mircle gro frys?


Active Member
i heard that if you use mircle gro or mircle gro potting soil or mircle gro anything too early when growing a plant it can fry the roots and cause it to die or have stunted growth. is any of that true?


Well-Known Member
Giving a plant too many nutrients when it is young may kill it. Unfertilized soil would be unlikely to do this (from any soil company). Soil loaded with nutrients will.

Make sense?


New Member
i used 9 month time release soil for my first grow with NO extra nutes i had no problem because of it. just wait till you wanna flower to add any extra nutes if at all.


Well-Known Member
i heard that if you use mircle gro or mircle gro potting soil or mircle gro anything too early when growing a plant it can fry the roots and cause it to die or have stunted growth. is any of that true?
Depends on how you look after the plant as many users swear by mg soil and say its really good but its not for me.


Active Member
MG is fine. Folks have problems when they try to add nutrients to the soil that already has the MG timed release neuts in it.
:wink: I agree. MG fert aint' bad stuff, it's just how you use it that makes it bad. The soil is something else though.. wouldn't use the soil. I made the mistake of using a soil for roses and you really had to be careful when adding nutes.

Plant Success tablets are good for a nuteless soil while vegging.


Well-Known Member
Actually Fox Farm soil is worse for seedlings than miracle grow.
FF makes a seed starting mix called Light Warrior. It isn't nearly as hot as Ocean Forest and is formulated for seedlings. Happy Frog is a little hotter than light warrior but not as hot as Ocean Forest and can aslo be used for starting seeds. Hope this helps.:weed:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i heard that if you use mircle gro or mircle gro potting soil or mircle gro anything too early when growing a plant it can fry the roots and cause it to die or have stunted growth. is any of that true?
any kind of nutes at to youg of an age, will do damage. its just not MG products..


Active Member
I have both fox farms light warrior and ocean forest any of the two and im assumin happy frog too is suitable for seedlings....and light warrior is suitable for growing a whole plant so once again its all marketing if your not a retard and dont over do things you can use any of those soils, overwatering will kill seedlings and plants more than soil....assuming of course your have your ph all taken care of
Actually Fox Farm soil is worse for seedlings than miracle grow.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
These were started as seeds in Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil 6 weeks ago. They have received no additional nutrients. The only issue with these plants is being a little stretchy, but cloudy weather, not MG soil is causing that.

Date stamp on photos is wrong.