Questions about Fox Farms products??


Active Member
:sad:I'm growing with MG soil, (it's my first grow, Dooo)before everyone says...MG soil SUCKS!! I'm kind-of figuring that out myself, but plants are now 8 to 10 in. at 4 weeks and kind of growing nice besides the plants sometimes turning yellowish, thier still growing "upwards" wich is what we all want.I'm not going to "uproot" them now!! It seems i cant get the nutes right!! To much, to little, i can't figure it out. What one person says is to much nutes,,,another little. I guess i thought it would be as easy as,,,,throw dirt in pot, grow, pick ,smoke!!:bigjoint: I have "Mad Prop's" for tho's of you who grow Good bud. So to my Q..When i buy the Fox Farm Soil, (and i will for next grow)) do i need to add anything to it??? perlite, pete Moss,lime, anything like that?/ now about the nute that Fox Farms sells, The three pack Tiger blooms ect. When ,do i start to use them when using FF soil?? Thanks in advance for all your Help.


I am currently using fox farm ocean forest soil and getting a good grow with it. you dont need to add anything to it. during vegetative growth the soil has plenty of nutrients for the plants. once you start flowering the plants you need to start the tiger blood nutrients. also dont forget to stop using the nutrients and start flushing the plants with water 2 weeks before harvest.


Active Member
week 5 flowering 001.jpggood morning robside.. 4 me i use week 5 flowering 010.jpgfoxfarm happy frog soil,biggrow,bigbloom,tigerbloom and this is my first grow and i can tell u work's great just8th week 002.jpg get the foxfarm feeding chart and use it just like that,i'm very happy with mine just started flushing here r some pics8th week 001.jpg
Ocean Forest is still a very easy soil to work with as mentioned before you need no extra nutes if you dont want to, OC has everything already in there.


Well-Known Member
once the colytodon(sp?) leaves turn yellow is when u start using the nutes at 1/4 strwngth
ive never heard of this but i think hes right. now that i think about it thats about the time when I use the big bloom by itself at half strengh. your question has a lot of right and possible wrong answers.some strains dont like to much nutes while others cant get enough.any soil with so called time release nutes should be avoided. time released when when it was made? also ive used fox farm nutes for all my grows so far and im switching to botanicare so ill tell which works best for me in about three months good luck and this is how your shelf should look if your doing it right.View attachment 955763