Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid


Active Member
does it matter if she even touched them since the shot was fired before they entered? would she even be able to go after police if the flashbang had works correctly and she was in the room? question before assuming possibly?


Well-Known Member
ok here we go-

balsack, people like you are exactly what's wrong with this country, no common sense, BUT in the name of "legal pursuits" you will argue the obscurities of the incident out of subliminal spite (My opinion), same thing the fuckin cops do every day
examine this scenario-
mowin the lawn, dee da dee, doo da doo, mowing my lawn, oh shit here comes a clump of TALL weeds, wtf, what am i gonna do, can't maneuver quick enough, gonna hit the weeds OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT! hit the weeds- out of control-can't maintain this much longer captain!
BAM! ballsack gets it right in the face, oh well nothing could have been done, if it wasn't for those damn tall weeds! what ya gonna do?
if you came to detriot, even most of the suburbs, and portrayed this naive explorer type you would get rolled in about three seconds, flint, saginaw, prety much the same, and if you've never spent time in these type of neighborhoods you hAve NO idea, it really is a different america

in michigan, 90% of the people i know hunt, and, along with it have a pretty fair knowledge of weaponry from a young age, with that being said, ALWAYS HAVING A SAFE WEAPON IS PARAMOUNT!, i have only once or twice in my youth had anything that even came close to an "accident" and they were not even that close, this involves running, jumping, stalking, pushing, drinking, smoking, trap, target whatever, people i know don't have gun accidents (thank the USMC)
balzac there is no way if i had a firearm and you did not, that my control of that weapon could could be compromised (assuming you are not martial arts expert) my personality alone would go along way, and if these people cannot hold to standards of this caliber, they should not be in the charge of such

and holding to all of that -
remember when cops were just groups of regular guys banding together, saying, this guy fucked up, we gotta go and get him, AND, normally that involved taking a few lumps, REAL COPS?

i guess as long as the cops are comfy and safe they shouldn't have to give a shit, they got the guy right?
WRONG, we need to make sure these guys quit hiring their retard nephew to protect our community


Well-Known Member
Hey Ball sack...Why do you post multiple replies one after the other? Do you know that there is an `edit post button` that you could use after you post? I believe you can edit your post for a few minutes after you post...NO need to post one sentence then 30 seconds later post again before anyone replies....so you believe no one then without video proof.....what are you going to say when you see the video?....someone must have edited it?....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i read the title and woderedered where scoota would jump in. sigh.

that policeman should be locked up big style. doesn't matter if it was a warning shot and not aimed at the girl, if they are half competent police officers, they'd have looked at where they were pointing the barrel before performing said warning shot. fucking hell.


Well-Known Member
Hes gonna probably try and fall back and say that after the flash bang detonated he seen a figure in there reaching around for something so he opened fire.He might actually be able to get away with it to unless he already gave that statement about her attacking him to the DA or someone.I think I seen somewhere that said the statement about the women attacking him wasn't preliminary (im not sure what that means) but the way they said it was that isn't an official statement.

Sadly I see any charges getting dropped and he'll be able to return to the force.

lol and that ballsack guy cracks me up,I might have to actually dust off the ignore feature.


Well-Known Member
Other thread on it... https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/331409-sad-story.html

And yes, the suspect was there... he should be rotting in hell for putting those people, and that 7 year old girl in danger.

He was a cold blooded murderer, and knew that the cops were after him and would be raiding his house looking for him.

Also, flash bangs are the most non-lethal of all of their tools, good choice on behalf of the officers to use that particular form of entry, bad choice on behalf of the officer that got spooked and shot.
Even though you and I have had our differences, I do agree with you on what you said here. Nicely put..



Well-Known Member
Hey Ball sack...Why do you post multiple replies one after the other? Do you know that there is an `edit post button` that you could use after you post? I believe you can edit your post for a few minutes after you post...NO need to post one sentence then 30 seconds later post again before anyone replies....so you believe no one then without video proof.....what are you going to say when you see the video?....someone must have edited it?....
probably. people like that...that want to believe whatever story sounds the best to them...will make excuses even after conclusive evidence has been put forth because they simply do not want to believe it. they do not want to accept reality. kinda like really religious people and science. its sad really...i feel bad for people like that :(


Well-Known Member
He ballsack, the shooting of the 17 year old kid was all hearsay. That was all the cops needed to raid the place.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i can see both sides of the story, certainly the cameras there might cause the police to be a bit more gung ho, but that's just bad training and discipline, if the cops are allowed to shoot people and say, whoops, then imo it should be filmed, else where is the justice, just corrupt cops going around lying to cover for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Detroit Mayor Bans TV Cameras From Police Raids

Logical, the only thing prevent the police from framing the grandma and lying about the murder was the camera that filmed it. So ban cameras so we can have business as usual.
I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner. Here is a shameless plug for the thread I just started. I think it's kind of related to this story in that the cops don't want people filming them, especially when they fuck up.:twisted:



Well-Known Member
The mother is the reason that the child was killed. I just read what happened and it appears that the mother physically attacked the police and the police responded with a warning shot. The shot struck he child in the neck. The child was never fired at intentionally. The mother who was protecting her son who is a murderer. He shot and killed a 17 boy in front of of a convience store. He was at the residence and he was arrested.

I can tell you one thing he cops only use no knock warrants when it is believed that the person or peoples in the home may be armed and dangerous.
I agree that the police probably didn't intend to shoot the girl. Cops aren't supposed to be firing warning shots into homes at 4 in the morning though. This is wrong and if a cop is that scared of the area they are working in or the job they are doing then they need to move or quit. It's that simple. This is the worst kind of fuck up for the police. It may have been an accident but that isn't going to bring that little girl back is it? This one really pisses me off. I have kids!:evil:


Well-Known Member
What? This is pure bullshit. It must have been the camera's fault....

Did they ever come to a conclusion on if this cop is at fault?


Well-Known Member
What? This is pure bullshit. It must have been the camera's fault....

Did they ever come to a conclusion on if this cop is at fault?
well, I can't fathom how shooting into the house from the outside at a little girl could not be the officers fault.

MI Bluntsmoker

Active Member
Only in the D

Also, detroit pays their police for shit, its like the one police job in the state my brother could walk right into, and he turns it down because its like $14 an hour.


Jesus, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if my daughter was shot in the head because of an accident!


Well-Known Member
Tell me that its not the fault of the mother. Tell me that the guy who got his dog shot should not be more mad at whoever tried to point the finger at him, rather than the police.
the only fault lies on the shooter.

if u come into my house i have every right to defend it.... if a cop uses force when there was no need for it. grandma was not armed

if u are a cop u are not supposed to take the safety off until u are ready to fire.
your finger is to stay off the trigger till u are ready to fire

clearly u have a cop that does not know his firearm rules and he needs to head to jail for manslaughter at the very least.
every time an animal attacks a human its put down... the same should be done with cops.... maybe not kill them but take away their badge to ensure they dont make that type of mistake again


Well-Known Member
What? This is pure bullshit. It must have been the camera's fault....

Did they ever come to a conclusion on if this cop is at fault?
I'm sure they will cover up what they can and probably give the cop a medal or some shit. Since they've now banned camera crews they must think it was the camera's fault. lol!:fire:


Well-Known Member
You still don't seem to understand that writing on a piece of paper is not conclusive evidence.
so why not just wait till the video is released??

either way... warning shots??? there is no such things as warning shots.... all shots are intended to kill and the cop did that for sure hitting the girl in her neck ...
cops only protect and serve themselves as long as idiots like u justify for their mistakes...


Well-Known Member
so why not just wait till the video is released??

either way... warning shots??? there is no such things as warning shots.... all shots are intended to kill and the cop did that for sure hitting the girl in her neck ...
cops only protect and serve themselves as long as idiots like u justify for their mistakes...
Absolutely right! The police aren't supposed to be firing warning shots. Period!:twisted: