6 shot, one dead during a protest against police brutality in Portland Oregon. 2022 is going to suck

So one man is a rapist then all are rapists, would actually be closer to the correct analogy.

You might be right!

I wasn't even sure what the original thing you were alluding to was...just hadn't used a rape analogy in awhile and figured it was time. :D
what were you saying again about having nothing..?

I've grown bored answering those kinds of questions so many times. Maybe I will again sometime.

Anyhow have you figured out how you'd delegate a right you don't possess? :p
Sure, I vote. Welcome to the US, is this your first day? Would you like me to show you around?

I voted to leave others alone if they leave me alone. That's where my politics begins and ends.

U.S. ? Nah, legal fiction.

It's always really just people maaaaan.

No need to show me around, but thank you anyway.
It's classic form narcissism, where he attempts to apply the rules he thinks work best for his own life, to everyone. It shows a really poor understanding of the world around him.

Weak argument. In fact, it's not an argument, it's a rationalization to control other people who aren't trying to control you.
There are parts about allowing your workers to take grain for themselves and the bible is supposed to be man's law, so what's written is basically doing what the meme is complaining about. Probably created by someone that spent their life in church and didn't hear a word.

Better? :bigjoint:
