Are My Plants Dieing ???


I'm 4 weeks into flowering and for the past couple of weeks iv started noticing alot of the leaves are turning yellow and drying up basically dieing!

i know the fan leaves are supposed to die but if u look at the pics u will notice its not just the fan leaves but also some of the new leaves ! a few hours ago i pulled quite alot of dead leaves off and there was quite a few !

i read somewhere it could be the neuts kill or somthing,

my plants are around 23 inch tall,
distance from the light - 20 inch
400 watt light
coco soil
i feed them 2 litres of water with 50ml of food mixed in.
around 30c ( 70f )

this is my 1st time and i dont know the ph levels or anything like that.

i heard i could just feed them water for a few days to see if its the neuts that are burning, would this be ok to do ??

any help would be great ill be online for a good hour or 2

thankss :joint:



Active Member
looks like a simple phosphorous deficiency, what kind of NPK is you bloom fertiliser as mj requires lots of P during flowering and a bad deficiency can retard bud growth


Well-Known Member
no they are not dying chillllllll:) however they do need sorting out,, to me i would normally say because there are no burn spots as such then not enough nutes, but u said u feed 2l a day withh 50ml nutes,,, wat nutes are u using wat is the npk and the suggested ratio?

i can also see a prob with heat, 30.c is borderline and yield will suffer slightly, a few degrees less wud be gd enough thats why your tips are curling up on edges an down at tips,,,, tips pointin down are also a sign of nute burn but i think ya temps are the main culprit.

next you really have to get a ph test kit,, u can get one for a few quid at an tropical fish shop, worth while as u have a decnt plant on the go there:)


no they are not dying chillllllll:) however they do need sorting out,, to me i would normally say because there are no burn spots as such then not enough nutes, but u said u feed 2l a day withh 50ml nutes,,, wat nutes are u using wat is the npk and the suggested ratio?

i can also see a prob with heat, 30.c is borderline and yield will suffer slightly, a few degrees less wud be gd enough thats why your tips are curling up on edges an down at tips,,,, tips pointin down are also a sign of nute burn but i think ya temps are the main culprit.

next you really have to get a ph test kit,, u can get one for a few quid at an tropical fish shop, worth while as u have a decnt plant on the go there:)

right 1st of all what does NPK mean ? lol like i said im a noob, plant food im using is Coco Feed part a and b , and i dont give them 2L each day, every other day i would say , and a friend of mine did the exact same grow as mine with everything the same and said to mix 25ml of part A and B with 2L of water, he did and they where fine.

i fink problem with mine is its in such a small space though out the grow they have been alot higher then 30C !

i will sort the heat prob out and try get a ph testing kit,

would i be ok to feed them with just water for a few days to see if they improve ?

thanks :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
its not going to hurt to giv em jus water,, if the yellowing gets worse then u know its underfeed and vice versa.
was ya mate growing the same strain under the same conditions?,, as that will effect how your plant absorbs th enutes and the rate of growth.

im sure u will work it out keep up the gd work :)


eh my mate was growing the same strain but not in as small area as mine,
i just cant think whats causeing them to die off, i looked again today and even some of the new leaves are turning yellow and curling up at the end , i dont think its burning from the light as its about 20 inch above the highest point of the biggest plant,
iv managed to lower the temp to about 25c

im useing 30 litre tubs to grow, how much water would u give them and often ?

i usaully feed when the tubs feel light

thanks in advance