will cutting my lights off 2 hours early stop my plant from growing taller?


long story short, my plant didn't show any signs of the 2 white pistils so i kept it in veg. it continued to grow until about 5 feet tall, and i said screw it and took it out of veg and put it in flower. Now its about 5 feet 9 inches tall in a hydro system in a closet grow. problem is i can only move my light about a foot and a half taller before it reaches it's maximum height. Buds haven't formed but the hairs are about the size of my pinky nail.

I'm wondering if I put it on a 10 hour on, 14 hour off if itll continue to bud and halt the grow of my plant.

Other than that im concerned i will have to harvest early because the light would end up burning the plant when it reached about 6 inches away.
If it helps, I'm using a 250w HPS in a closet grow. Its been in flower for about a week.



Active Member
Nope. Cutting the light won't do anything. You can bend the top over and tie it. But becarful not to snap the stem.


Look up LST, Uncle Ben Topping, tying down, and start over! Lots of peoples first attempts were lanky 5+ ft monsters.
well I let it grow so big because i was looking for preflower signs. I'm reading jorge's book religiously, but i guess know that i'm going a female i can veg it for half the time haha.

im going to look up everything you said, thanks so much!

any other suggestions, keep em comin!


also- all of these require me starting over. im in an apartment (stupid to do i know but my next door neighbor is a customer and its only us 2 in our townhome :]) but is there anything i can solve the problem on this plant? or am i royally screwed?


Well-Known Member
im not getting y its not flowering if u cut the light. where did u get the seed? and how long have u had it at 12/12. i would cut it in half just chop it.


Active Member
bend it over man... if you do it right the main cola will pick itself up and be pretty awesome still


im not getting y its not flowering if u cut the light. where did u get the seed? and how long have u had it at 12/12. i would cut it in half just chop it.
it is flowering now... it wasn't when it shouldve and was 2 weeks late. so i kept it in veg and it grew to be a monster haha..

i don't want to cut my baby in half, at this stage.. how and what do i use to bend it over without cracking the main stem? i mean am i talking string or something hardcore?