NickNasty's First Guerrilla Grow 2010 - Its going to be big (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
So I have been an indoor grower on and off for about 10 years now but have never really tried my hand at guerrilla growing. So this is my first attempt outdoors, so if any of you long time outdoor growers have any advise while reading my thread feel free to let me know. I have 2 spots one that is in between 2 farmers land and one that is in a swamp/marsh area. The first spot has 20 plants in it and the second has 23 plants so far. I will be doing a mix of clones and various auto's but I have yet to put any auto's out Im still waiting for them to sex.

In my first spot the soil was mostly clay so I added 1/2 peat moss then 1/4 compost and 1/4 native soil per hole. I am using Advanced Nutrients Heavy Harvest as my fertilizer it is a time release fert and I added about 1/2 cup per hole. Here are pics of my first spot about 1 week after putting them into the ground. Sorry if they are out of order but Im having a hard time figuring out how to add pictures with this new forum format.
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Well-Known Member
The second spot has very loomy soil so I didn't add anything except the heavy harvest. I could have literally dug the holes in the second spot with my hands it was so soft. Here is a list of the plants I have so far in each spot.

1st spot.
1 x Kush Berry
1 x Chocolope
1 x Kush Berry x Skunk
1 x Cali Hashplant
1 x Wreckage
3 x Jilly Bean
4 x El Monstre
8 x Purple Wreck

2nd spot
1 x Jack the Ripper
1 x Wreckage
1 x Kush Berry x Skunk
1 x Unknown
2 x El Monstre
2 x Pineapple Express
3 x Kush Berry
3 x Purple Wreck
10 x Jilly Bean

And still to be put in are
Diesel Ryders
Purple Jems
Auto fem Mix pack
Auto fem White Russian
Sour 60
Brains Escape
Guerrilla Gusto
plus a few others I have not decided on yet.


Well-Known Member
To keep the deer away I have put moth balls around all my plants and sprayed liquid fence around all my plants. The ticks is spot 1 are crazy the first time I went out there I had sprayed myself with off but not very well and I must have walked though a patch of them because I looked down at my pants and there must have been at least 20 ticks crawling up my pants, It freaked me out because I had never seen so many ticks at once in my life!


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Oh and for the ticks I use 100% DEET. Still doesn't keep em off. Just make sure you check yourself real good when you get home. I got lyme disease at the end of last season, it sucks.


Well-Known Member
What was the problem with it? I was really hoping it would work well I am looking for something I dont have to add every time I water. I have only bought the spring blend so far so I can change up once it gets to summer/fall I just would like to know why. The main reason I wanted to use it is because last summer it rained in my area at least once almost every week and I didn't want to have to go out just to feed. Could you give me some other options I could go with? I use Age Old Organics indoors but I would have to buy a shitload to feed the all the plants I have out and Im only half way though what I was planning on putting out.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I use Marine Cuisine from Fox Farm and just that alone is better than the HH. I use FF liquid once a week and mix in the MM when I plant and use as needed throughout the season.

When I used the HH I mixed in 2 cups for a 25 gallon hole. Stuff is junk. I only tried it cause of the Brown Dirt hype a couple years back. They probably paid him to say he uses it. I don't even like AN products.


Well-Known Member
Is it to late to still be popping seeds for outdoors? I have a ton of seeds sitting in the fridge. I plan on putting more clones out but was wondering if I should pop anything I got laying around or if I should just save them for my indoor grows.
Here is a list of seeds I have sitting in the fridge if you see anything I should definitely do outside let me know,and I am growing in a swamp location so if there is anything that is likely to mold please let me know.

Seeds in fridge

K.C. 36
DNA Hashplant Haze
Greenhouse Bubba Kush
Next Generation Dynamite
Next Generation Grapefruit Diesel
Greenhouse The Church
Sannie's Seeds New Blue Diesel
Spice of Life's Adventure Mix
Barney's Violator Kush
Barney's Red Dragon
Sannie's Seeds Afghaan x NYCD
Sannie's ChemD x True Blueberry
Sannie's Chocolate Rain

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Is it to late to still be popping seeds for outdoors? I have a ton of seeds sitting in the fridge. I plan on putting more clones out but was wondering if I should pop anything I got laying around or if I should just save them for my indoor grows.
Here is a list of seeds I have sitting in the fridge if you see anything I should definitely do outside let me know,and I am growing in a swamp location so if there is anything that is likely to mold please let me know.

Seeds in fridge

K.C. 36
DNA Hashplant Haze
Greenhouse Bubba Kush
Next Generation Dynamite
Next Generation Grapefruit Diesel
Greenhouse The Church
Sannie's Seeds New Blue Diesel
Spice of Life's Adventure Mix
Barney's Violator Kush
Barney's Red Dragon
Sannie's Seeds Afghaan x NYCD
Sannie's ChemD x True Blueberry
Sannie's Chocolate Rain

A very personal favorite of mine, and many others here. It does, ah I mean it HAS done and IS doing very well outside:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Start your beans soon if you want some decent size from them. But no its not too late. Just the sooner you do the bigger your girls are going to get. You have been growing indoors huh? You are going to be surprised to see how massive those plants get outdoors, you will be pulling branches off the size of some indoor plants. You should see signs of flower around the end of july or the beginning of august, of course this happens sooner and later with different strains. With indicas, or indica heavy hybrids, its usual the very end of september to the end of the first week/ sometime the second week of august, with sativa heavy hybrids its the middle to the end of october to november for full sativas, which is why I dont grow those around here because the frost is attacking them every morning at that point. But the season my be different for you. You gotta lost those outdoor monsters, I started a white rhino last year the middle of may, it was in almost full shade the first 2 weeks before it was moved to a spot with great sunlight, and it still reached 7 foot tall, I had to pull it a few weeks early so it didnt get mowed down by the farmers and I still got 6 oz dry from it.


Well-Known Member
I got ten more plants outside today also started germinating those Grapefruit Diesel. The ten plants I put out today were.

1 x Chocolope
1 x Jack The Ripper
3 x Purple Wreck
5 x OG Kush # 18

And here are some more pics.
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Here is one of the watering holes Im using
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And here is what you see from the waters edge, My plants are in the middle and the weeds around them are about 12 ft tall.
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Well-Known Member
If you're freaked out about ticks, make a mixture of geranium oil and neem oil you can spray on yourself. I live in an area where Lyme is very very prevalent (Lots of White-tails) and this is thus far the best combatant for those little bastards. So far I do not have Lyme disease and I've been in the woods whenever I could be since a child. You'll still find them crawling on you, but they refuse to bite in. And good luck! Looking forward to following this.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ! + rep. I am not really freaked out by them I was just freaked out that I had so many on me at once. My pants looked polka dotted there were so many on me. I have seen plenty of ticks in my day I have even pulled them off my cousins dog when they were huge and shot them with a bb gun just to see them pop but I think I had as many on me that day as I had seen in my entire life. Anyways I will try out the geranium/neem mix because that spot is just packed with them.


Active Member
I just want to say.... your grow has me excited to the max man.... I love your location, its fuken beautiful bro....scribed! i cant wait to see the next update... as far as the tick thing goes, sorry I cant help you out, ticks must not like me never had em on me and lived with em my whole life in the mountains bro! Maybe i just got bad blood!


Well-Known Member
WOW great start Nick. Youve got one fuck of a seed collection there. lol Where do ya shop for beans?.

As for the AN nutes i guess im with ya man to late now. I already got em on wheels.

I LOVE FOX FARMS. I tell ya what NEL My next years gonna be just that. In the mean time i hope the AN atleast gives me a decent yield. I too bekieve they are a bullshit company. HYPED UP. Big time. Well if this shit dont put out like they say ill personally punch the motherfucker in his gums. haha. It aint nothin for me to get up to canada. haha Lets hope this shit works out nick. Peace 1BMM