if you have bud in a sealed stamped envelope can cops not go into it cause its mail?


Well-Known Member
What if you took a plain white envelope, ground up some weed really fine and sorta vacuum sealed it completely airtight in a say 2 inch by 2 inch plastic material so that no smell got out at all and put it in a birthday card. Fake return address. Now I'm talking not even a gram of pot. Would this most likely work? I'm talking mailing say from canada to england. I would think that there would be a very high chance of this going undetected. If you ask "why bother with such a small amount?", it's not that, it's how cool it would be to send someone a sample across the world basically... what you think? no risk really and it would be hilarious to have that person go " wow man that was some chronic! "


Well-Known Member
The Postmaster General has the right to open mail for ANY reason he/she sees fit. Trying to mail a bud is a Federal Crime.
Only mail from your lawyer and Official Government mail is exempt.


Well-Known Member
What if you took a plain white envelope, ground up some weed really fine and sorta vacuum sealed it completely airtight in a say 2 inch by 2 inch plastic material so that no smell got out at all and put it in a birthday card. Fake return address. Now I'm talking not even a gram of pot. Would this most likely work? I'm talking mailing say from canada to england. I would think that there would be a very high chance of this going undetected. If you ask "why bother with such a small amount?", it's not that, it's how cool it would be to send someone a sample across the world basically... what you think? no risk really and it would be hilarious to have that person go " wow man that was some chronic! "
I guess so, seems like alot of trouble to go through though. lol