What Else Do You Grow?


Well-Known Member
Currently i have Thai chillies, Lemon basil and a mint plant...

Everything is indoors right now cuz its freaking COLD out... =[ I hate living where it snows... =[

Chillies are grown from seed... They are about 3-4 inches tall right now with 3 big main leaves one more on the way...

The basil we buy from the asian market comes packaged fresh on cuttings so the leaves stay fresh longer so this was an easy one... I just picked the healthiest looking cutting and cloned as usual... Its probably about 8 inches tall... It took awhile for it to revert back to veg but now the veg is outgrowing the original flower stalk... Basil is very similar to cannabis IMO...

The mint is annoying me... my wife brought it home from work where they had some growing outside when it was warm... It brought in gnats (seem to be gone now) and because i did not have a good place for it and it was not getting light it stretched all over the place... I am trying to get a cutting from it so i can start it over lower to the ground...

I never see my wife cook with it so it may go in the garbage if i can not get it growing normally... It just takes up more space then its worth...

I would like to grow some Thai basil and lemon grass later as well... =]
I have a Haas avocado and a florida avocado growing in with my plants. They are looking good and enjoying the 24hours of light.
I have not started yet for the 08 season but I plan on starting from seeds the following:

Coleus(2-3 diff strains) Impatiens(2), New Guinea Impatiens, Nicotiana(3), Sunflowers(3-4), Zinnias(2), Pansy, Torennia, Tithonia, Hollyhocks(2), Nasturtium ......some type of basil I haven't tried yet, some new types of peppers and some other stuff yet to be determined.

I am obsessed with growing things!

This is from my start in the basement from last year....

These are under 400W MH And 600W HPS

(I dont think you could do this with CFLs:mrgreen:----lol)



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Hostas I have 232 different types..And well over 300 types of daylilys..Plus vast flower beds of anything that will survive my climate..
I plan on growing some opium poppies this spring. I love growing plants. I just couldn't see myself growing vegetables.... Maybe one day.
I dont have room for hundreds of plants in my apt... =O

After figuring out how much it costs to run a 400w hid light i dont have money to waste on that either... =O
My power bill is already at 90+ a month in this little apartment...

I hate the cold and keep it 65 degrees or warmer all winter... Maybe in the summer when my bill goes back down to normal levels... =]
Besides my herb I like growing corn, potatoes, tomatoes, swiss chard, carrots, bell and jalapeño peppers, cucumbers, peas, beans, lemon basil, dill, and onions. I love growing!!
Like I said in another thread I actually don't grow marijuana but found that this was one of the best places to learn about hydroponic systems on the web so I jointed up.

Tonight I plan on getting the rest of the stuff for my rig and I hope I will be able to plant some maders, spinish, basil and maybe another herb or 2. I am a hydro noob so we will see how this all goes.
Like I said in another thread I actually don't grow marijuana but found that this was one of the best places to learn about hydroponic systems on the web so I jointed up.

Tonight I plan on getting the rest of the stuff for my rig and I hope I will be able to plant some maders, spinish, basil and maybe another herb or 2. I am a hydro noob so we will see how this all goes.

Excellent, it is very rewarding. There is a ton of information on this site.