Backyard Grow..How much Sunlight


I have one plant that was said to be getting too much sun? It is about 1 month since planting and to me looking very healthy. How many hours of sun should it be getting daily. it was getting about 10 moved it and now is getting around 7 ? Whats your thoughts


Well-Known Member
"You only need at least 5-6 hours of midday sun To grow the best dope"- jorge cervantes ....So i would think your doing good dont even worry about it


Well-Known Member
"You only need at least 5-6 hours of midday sun To grow the best dope"- jorge cervantes ....So i would think your doing good dont even worry about it
more light=more energy=more growth=more bud, Why wouldnt you want as big of yeild as possible? Jorge cervantes can say whatever he likes just Make sure to take it with a grain of salt, his ideas and info are not infallable law or proof of anything.


Well-Known Member
I believe the person who told you that your plant was receiving too much sun, meant that it may be too hot outside? I grow (flower) outdoors, roughly 25 - 30 degree Celsius, and sun always out, my plants loved it!


Well-Known Member
more light=more energy=more growth=more bud, Why wouldnt you want as big of yeild as possible? Jorge cervantes can say whatever he likes just Make sure to take it with a grain of salt, his ideas and info are not infallable law or proof of anything.
Lol relax I was telling him The minimum hours of having sunlight to have a proper grow , i obviously know that you get a better yield with more light i was just stating that 5-6 hours of sunlight is the minimum number of hours you need....


New Member
Sorry for reviving this old thread, just worried that some people might read this and end up killing their plants. It is possible to kill your plants with too much sun if it is hot and your plant is in a black pot that absorbs too much heat the roots will get fried. Especially if it is a small pot and a young plant and/or if you don't water enough.