1st plant past seedling.. YOUNGRICH SNOW WHITE


Active Member
wassgood, i am located in WASHINGTON STATE!!!!!! growin some fire ass chronic right now..

i ordered 5 fem snow white seeds from narvina.. this is the only plant that hasnt been found..


|nutes once everyweek - all purpose miracle grow/horse shit|

i had it in the woods but i have moved it to my yard because people are lookin for plants around here!



Active Member
I used to live in wa too. And we used to find plants in the woods all over the place up north by stanwood and mnt vernon.


Active Member
checked on my plant today and 1 of my leaves has been eaten...i sprayed the leaves down with mite killer/insect killer hopfully it works..
and i am germinating 2 jack horror seeds and 2 more snow whites. watch my grow!

ill post pics in a sec