Too Small (Stunted?)


shawarma king
Almost four weeks from germination.

400 HPS (Less then 2' Away)

Watered with mild 1/4 strength (For seedlings) GH Flora every eight hours for fifteen minutes. (Ebb / Flow)

Humidity has recently dropped to below 30 %.

Temp: 72 - 77 F

A box fan circulates the air 24 / 7 -- stems have shown noticeable growth as a result.

I think the plants look healthy e.g. color is good, stems look strong, new growth is bigger then old growth, I even like how compact the plant is.

But, that being said, they appear very small at four weeks and I am having a difficult time finding the limiting factor here.

What do you think? Are the roots growing? The stems thickening? The strain slow? Light too far? Too wet?

It is a mystery to me-

Here are photos- thanks (you can also check out my journal too see where they were etc.



shawarma king
Thanks guys --

I think I will leave the lighting as is. Although I see the logic in your posts, it is possible and even good to grow from beginning to end with an HPS. I started the seedlings at 3.5' from the HPS and have slowly lowered it to where it is now.

The plants are not burning or stretching. I think the lighting is good.

Any other suggestions?

Again, thank you.


Well-Known Member
They look awesome - but they look more like two weeks old instead of four. I think I would continue to lower the light. If the top leaves start turning pale yellow - then you'll need to back the lights off. and when you see the bottom leaves starting to turn a darker yellow - add more nutes - they will be wanting Nitrogen.

Speaking of nutes - when you say G.H. Flora - can you be more specific?


shawarma king
Thanks email -

G.H. Flora - The Three Part Solution - right now I am using the FloraMicro and FloraGrow, I started with 1/4 strength for seedlings and just now I changed the res and went to 1/2 strength for seedlings. (A little less then 1/2 for seedlings actually) The plants should already be at something like 1/4 for veg, but I think they are too small to handle that so I am staying low with the nutes.

Thanks again-


Well-Known Member
I use G.H. three part also. Here is a link to the program i use ...

and here is a copy and paste from another thread -

And here is my own schedule again which i follow rather loosely (usually end up with higher PPM in the 1600 + range)
Week 1 - PPM: 0
Week 2 - PPM: 0-300
Week 3 - PPM: 3-500
Week 4 - PPM: 5-700
Week 5 - PPM: 7-900
Week 6 - PPM: 9-1000
SWITCH TO 12/12 LIGHTING AND BLOOM NUTES (this is just an example you don't have to switch to 12/12 now)
Week 7 - PPM: 3-400 (note the drop after switching nutrients)
Week 8 - PPM: 4-500
Week 9 - PPM: 5-600
Week 10 - PPM: 6-700
Week 11 - PPM: 7-800
Week 12 - PPM: 8-900
Week 13 - PPM: 9-1000
Week 14 - PPM: 10-1100

here are some possibly useful conversions:
1 TSP = 5 ml
1 TBSP = 15 ml
1 oz = 30 ml
1 Qt = 946 ml
1 Gal = 3.785 L
1 Gal = 128 oz


Well-Known Member
Glad you find it useful...

here's two shots - one about two weeks and the other about four weeks - just to give you an idea what to look for (keep in mind i'm using a 1000w of lights)...



Well-Known Member
you may be ok to lower the light to a foot away......400w is about as powerful as the sun from about a foot away (chart on cannabisculture)


shawarma king
Glad you find it useful...

here's two shots - one about two weeks and the other about four weeks - just to give you an idea what to look for (keep in mind i'm using a 1000w of lights)...
I'm going to print the second picture and hang it in the grow room -- a little encouragement for the plants. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats what i do man. i take all the centerfold posters from my hightimes mags and hang them in my room. what can my girls insipire to without any inspiration? lol


Well-Known Member
mine seems to be in the same position... a little stunted growth im not sure though mines 2 weeks and looks similar to yours but i ahvent seen any noticeable growth in the last few days....and my stalk is pretty flimsy


Well-Known Member
actually in the same boat as you guys, i was trying to get the most out of a t5 set and burned my babies, put them under a 400hps, its now past 2 weeks and there smaller than yours and recovering very slowly.


shawarma king
Yeah, I've just about reached the end of my rope with these plants. They are nearing five weeks and are still growing very slowly.

Still green, still growing, still too slow.

There must be some environmental factor I'm just completely missing. I've adjusted the light -- no good. I've adjusted nutes -- no good. I've maintained PH and Temp -- no good. Humidity is fairly constant -- no good. Air circulation a box fan and an exhaust fan -- no good. Res temp is constant and res changed every week -- no good. No pests. No burn. No f'ing way -- right? :-) I feel like I'm lying to myself here, must be something I just don't want to see.

Oh yes, that must be it, my DIY hydro set up. I'm spending f'ing money now - :-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've just about reached the end of my rope with these plants. They are nearing five weeks and are still growing very slowly.

Still green, still growing, still too slow.

There must be some environmental factor I'm just completely missing. I've adjusted the light -- no good. I've adjusted nutes -- no good. I've maintained PH and Temp -- no good. Humidity is fairly constant -- no good. Air circulation a box fan and an exhaust fan -- no good. Res temp is constant and res changed every week -- no good. No pests. No burn. No f'ing way -- right? :-) I feel like I'm lying to myself here, must be something I just don't want to see.

Oh yes, that must be it, my DIY hydro set up. I'm spending f'ing money now - :-)
So you have the light on them 24/0 and it is a 400w HPS, right? How old is the bulb? HPS bulbs should be replaced every 24 months even if they are still lighting. Do you know what kind of bulb it is?

How do the roots look? are they growing well or are they stunted also?


shawarma king
So you have the light on them 24/0 and it is a 400w HPS, right? How old is the bulb? HPS bulbs should be replaced every 24 months even if they are still lighting. Do you know what kind of bulb it is?

How do the roots look? are they growing well or are they stunted also?
Thanks again email.

The light is only 18 / 6 -

The bulb is generic, HTGSupply - 400 Watt HPS 55k Lumens supposedly 10% brighter then standard HPS bulbs with increased blue/violet spectrum -- it is new.


Well-Known Member
and the roots? how do they look? stunted or growing fine? This is baffling cause everything seems to be right on the money for good growth. Maybe it is a short strain and is waiting for 12/12 (grasping at straws)?