Lets all come together and request special RC's to our vendors.....ITS A MOVEMENT


Well-Known Member
All these compounds that make you "roll", seem A LOT more neurotoxic than any of the chemicals that make you "trip". Imagine when we get into opiate analogs.. It's only a matter of time.. Closest thing I've ever seen to that is the metabolite of tramadol.. o-desmethyltramadol, which is not very intense, even when IVed.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
All these compounds that make you "roll", seem A LOT more neurotoxic than any of the chemicals that make you "trip".
Naturally, tryptamines are more related to what our bodies produce in comparison to a lot of the phenethylamine rc's.

Some of the rc's, e.g. MDAI, MDAT, MDMAI are not neurotoxic (granted they are much weaker than MDMA, but you can always take more).


Active Member
Here is what I have seen (for substances on the RC market that make you "roll"):

  • Ecstasy (MDMA)
  • 4-Desoxy-MDA (6-APDB)
  • 6-APB (whatever the hell that is)
  • Butylone (bk-MBDB)
  • Methylone (bk-MDMA)
  • Pentylone (bk-MBDP)
  • Mephedrone (4-MMC)
  • 4-BMC
  • 4-EMC
  • Methedrone (bk-PMMA)
  • Flephedrone
  • Buphedrone
  • Ethcathinone
  • 3-Fluoromethcathinone (3-FMC)
  • 4-Fluoroamphetamine (4-FA)
  • 4-Fluoromethamphetamine (4-FMA)
  • 4-Ethylmethcathinone (4-EMC)
  • MDPPP (3,4-Methylenedioxy-a-pyrrolidinopropiophenone)
  • MMAI
  • MDAT
  • MDAI
  • 2-Aminoindane (2-AI)
  • 5-Iodo-2-Aminoindane (5-IAI)
  • Naphyrone (Naphthylpyrovalerone)

indeed thats alot but most of those chems effects hardly compare to rolling even if they do have similar modes of action.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
indeed thats alot but most of those chems effects hardly compare to rolling even if they do have similar modes of action.
If you want MDMA buy MDMA. You're not going to find something identical to MDMA that is not MDMA. A lot of the other substances are weaker, that is the price you pay for zero neurotoxicity. You have to give an take.. if your priorities are non-neurotoxic, something like MDAI will have to suffice. If you want pure euphoria, MDMA, Mephedrone, Methylone, etc. would be fine, but at some toll to your body.


Active Member
thats like saying if you want to trip take lsd,....theres other things that make you trip and all offer a slightly different experience. I was just saying I cant wait till there is actually things on the market that compare to mdma( not exactly like it) but are better than just a stimulated buzz or more or less like an anti depressant, like the mda analogs and supposedly 5-iai. If these are as good as the hype says then more and more will become available.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
thats like saying if you want to trip take lsd....
I did not mean it like that.

I mean.. there is a lot of hype built up by vendors about new substances that should be on par with MDMA (yet there rarely if ever are). Instead of looking for an MDMA replacement, I think one has to play around with all these compounds to find a few to their liking. Some of those will be as (if not more) neurotoxic than MDMA, chances are the more powerful ones. Some will be non-neurotoxic (or very little neurotoxicity), as we see, they are the less potent ones. In a sense, one has to find out their priorities (for instance, I rarely roll so I quite frankly do not give a shit if it is neurotoxic). Once you find what you're looking for (in a balance) of effects:health, you can make acceptions (for example, should I sometime like to roll more frequently, I would indeed take the cut in potency and get some MDAI or MDAT and simply up the dosage).

sorry if that is jumbled.


Active Member
Nah its all good, i feel the same way, i only roll like 1-2 times a year now, so neurotoxicity doesnt bother me a bit.
well this thread is pretty old but i would just like to add that i been trying to find an rc vendor for 2c-e. seems almost impossible nowadays. if anyone can point me to the right direction i would really much appreciate it! :)