Need help with ligh on my plant that is flowering

purple kush16

Active Member
ok my grow room has abour 16 plants 1 has started budding cuz i turned my lights on 12 and 12 cycle about 3 weeks agothe budd have been on it for 2 so there the size of a thumb nale im using the 4ft flourescent ppl are saying my plant that has budds on it that im not going to get a big yeild from it because my lights arnt enought wattage but i was thinking what if i move my budding plant outside will it continue to budd?? right now i think outside theres 14 hours of sunlight still i just need to know if a can put my plant outside and have it continue budding soit can get some real light

purple kush16

Active Member
what if i put it outside it let it get 12 hours of sunlight the everyday put something over it for the remaider of the day and do that everyday

Brick Top

New Member
nope, can't go outside or it will likely re-veg and not be ready until autumn.
Plants can be put outside during some hours of light and then brought back in when needed to assure the right light schedule.

It is not something I suggest though, especially if only one or some plants would be taken in and out. It is the easiest surest way to end up with unwanted 'critters' on all of someone's plants.