How good am i doing?


Active Member
Hi 808,

Am sorry that your having issues today :-(

try this thread i am not sure if over watering makes the leafs go yellow but i am a noob still on the problems that can come up!

how wet is the soil when you stick you finger in about an inch down?

+EDIT+ Also try this link
thank you soo much its not as bad as any of that but i was worried! haha thanks so much now im ready for almost any problem heading my way!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
heyy guys the bottom 2 leaves on all my plants have turn yellow and fell off i think its not that bad but i think its nute burn? im not sure but i think because its been raining alot where i am and its over watered....thanks for any help!
got any pics?


Active Member
PICT0044.JPGPICT0043.JPGPICT0042.JPGsee the first pic those strange marks are on a bunch of my fan leaves....i think maybe a insect has been messing with my babies :cuss:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
the first pic is leaf miner. I get that shit all the time:cuss:

...the one-leafer turning yellow, I wouldn't worry about. main thing the new growth is comin out cherry, you should be all good.bongsmilie


Active Member
the first pic is leaf miner. I get that shit all the time:cuss:

...the one-leafer turning yellow, I wouldn't worry about. main thing the new growth is comin out cherry, you should be all good.bongsmilie
what is leaf miner? never heard of it before? what causes it?


Active Member
it insect larvae borrowing though the leaf

edit~ sorry not insect, but fly larvae and certain types of moth too
i see i goggled it and decided to trim the leaves that have that on them off....i hope that wont effect the plant much...haha thanks a bunchh man!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
maybe the next time instead of cutting the leaves off, hold the plant up to the sky and you can see the little bastards in the leaf, usually at the end of one of those trails.. just pinch those bastards and kill em instead, that way you save the leaf. peace out..:blsmoke:


Active Member
maybe the next time instead of cutting the leaves off, hold the plant up to the sky and you can see the little bastards in the leaf, usually at the end of one of those trails.. just pinch those bastards and kill em instead, that way you save the leaf. peace out..:blsmoke:
maybe next time...the leaves i cut off were falling apart though i dont think i couldve saved them...


Active Member
Sorry about not posting for a while guys ive been really busy...this weekend for sure ill go snap some pics and update this thing...thanks for your patience!


Active Member
i went outside today to snap some pics to find my lst plant is about half eaten and my topped plant has some branches gone too! :cry:....annnndd all my pots have some sort of fungus?? idk some are grey some are orange...idk wtf any of this is!!! please help im gonna put some pics on too...