Nice one. Making a judgement before you even know me. Even worse, over the interwebs! Chill dude and smoke a jay, I dont sit around and drink all day and close my mind more. I have a very open mind as a matter of fact, and very in tune with my inner self. I have awakened spiritually. If you find benefit to your life from "exploring all the synthetics" go right for it. I along with many close friends who have delved into the DXM world know it is just an easy way to get high..
Go see your aliens and dissociate into the wall, for after all life is all in your head, aka consciousness. Even the entities you see on DMT people will say, "dude its just your imagination" Well no shit! haha of course it is all just your imagination, if it weren't idk if time/space and even consciousness would exist .. I'm not saying it is wrong.. We cannot make that judgement nor any judgement, for it is not up to us.
And from what you say about exploring ALL synthetics, then I am going to smoke a few hits of methamphetamine, because going from what you say, meth has extreme positives as well, maybe even some Heroin.. such a beautiful learning experience.. NAHT (Btw, I am not just pulling shit out of my ass and posting it all over forums. I have experience with alot of chemicals, and not just trying them once to see how they are. I have taken DXM in both syrup and pure form numerous times)
Its not like I took DXM once, freaked out and am on a forum crying to people to not take it.
So before you get to know me, don't judge.. I am looking out for the fitness of your mind and body..
"I can see you are lacking one right now, (OPEN MINDEDNESS!)"
LOL I laughed at that one.. that's awesome you can see my mind through the computer

TEACH ME HOW, because I only know how to open my third eye, or astrally travel while awake, or lucid dream every single night with no pause. I meditate and understand good and evil, and how it dwells in this physical world. Don't hate the hater, give him a hug

I don't need to justify if I have an "open mind" or not because I simply do not care, and I know who I am and there is no need to explain that to everyone I meet. If you ask the light for guidance, it WILL guide you. If you want to awaken (or have an open mind) you will awaken and be guided to the resources to do so. If you choose to stay dormant (or having a closed mind) you will stay so until water is added and your seed shell cracks open to give way to life.
Hate follows hate
Love follows love
Synthetic psychedelics and DXM are two completely different things that are just too different. I wholeheartedly agree that exploring SOME psychedelic synthetics, ONCE in a while, is very beneficial. DMT is just a wonder chemical, that is why I brought it up. If you want a good solid awakening tool to see the power of your subconscious there is DMT for you.
But.. I do not mean to derail this thread any further, just throwin that bit out there.