Day 8 of flowering Skywalker Kush w/ pics

Hello there, here's a few pics of my second grow.
These girls only been vegged 1 1/2 months, the tallest of the bunch is 29 inches.Shortest 18 inches . I'm currently using a 250 watt hps , using General Hydroponics, and coco as a growing medium.

Skywalker kush clones
250 WAtt Hps
Three part General hydroponics / kool bloom
Coco for growing medium
Thats it very simple, I just keep p.h at about 6.0 and they look fantastic !

Pictures are in the first week of flowering. The plants have taken off since I flipped the switch to 12/12 It seems like everyday they grow in size I hope they stay that way all the way through. If anyone has any input or suggestions please feel free to reply.



Active Member
Thanks man, what are you growing?
Do you usually click threads without reading their names? Skywalker Kush

On another note, looking real good! Im gonna scribe to this one

You should check out the link in my sig. Its my first grow and im at week 6 into flowering...maybe you could give me some input.

Good luck and keep posting!


Active Member
hows it going?

And sry bout the last comment, didnt realize you were the one asking what jester is growing.
I was prolly baked.