Hermie? Swollen Calyx? False seed pod? Please look at PICS!!


Active Member
Hi all. I am having a bit of an issue with one of my super silver haze plants.
For starters i am just 11-13 days into flowering. 2 of my 4 are def females.
One is def a male. Removed from room.
One is looking odd. It had a few hairs on it, and then all of a sudden things got weird.
the hairs began look dry and orange in some spots(see pic m1)
now there are some weird looking growths on where calyxes should be. . pics m2-3
i have done my research and from what i found the male was too young to make pollen
as well as them fems are too young to take the pollen and use it correctly.
Is this correct?
Any advice her would be great. I have never really seen anything like this. Thanks guys and gals.



Well-Known Member
keep an eye on it. passed that, i duno man. i mean the second pic it looks like a white hair protruding, which would mean its ok and probably just a swollen calyx. but, iam not sure what early herm stages and iam on the lookout for it myself, so ill be watchin the thread. gl


Well-Known Member
yes it should of been to early to get pollinated
i am confused about your pics tho =/
i think you need to update us in a few days if it has sprouted sum hair or if its got a few mates forming with it


i just had to toss two of my four plants and one was from feminized seeds had two feminized seeds n two bag seed one of each went male , but the place i got the fems said they have never had one go male , but sure as shit it has balls all over it , i dont know what caused it either, im about 10-11 days flower now too. hope shes a she and not a he for you.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I am having a bit of an issue with one of my super silver haze plants.
For starters i am just 11-13 days into flowering. 2 of my 4 are def females.
One is def a male. Removed from room.
One is looking odd. It had a few hairs on it, and then all of a sudden things got weird.
the hairs began look dry and orange in some spots(see pic m1)
now there are some weird looking growths on where calyxes should be. . pics m2-3
i have done my research and from what i found the male was too young to make pollen
as well as them fems are too young to take the pollen and use it correctly.
Is this correct?
Any advice her would be great. I have never really seen anything like this. Thanks guys and gals.
Looks like typical 10-15 day flower growth to me. Give it another 2 cycles, if it shows no defenite signs of female or male (stops flowering), then just kill it off. Not worth the effrort and grow space taken up.

I just save all of those duds in a huge paper bag and make coconut oil for my wifes hair.


Active Member
Thanks guys.
Unfortunatly upon closer inspection...
Balls balls every where.
Fcuk. Oh well. So far in this grow I lost one to bugs.
And one def male and one possible male.
Out of 5, 2 are left...
Oh that's right, the seeds I used are baggler super silver.
Time to break down and get some good seeds or clones.

Btw. I took clones from every haze plant and, even the f'ed up ones,
Do I need to worry about this happening to them?


This is a question to add to this thread, i have one with a huge white pod, on the very top, would hold 4 seeds !! I'm wondering what it is, never seen this before, any ideas ?? , thankx in advance.... IM002588a.jpg have a look !!


Well-Known Member
^I've seen it before, but can't tell ya what it is, exactly. My Chrystal strain used to do that towards the end, but never caused any problems, so I left 'em alone, and just kept a close eye on 'em.


Yeah, ya got me too, been growing 18 years, never had one of them before. it's on a autoflowering kush, up drying now, i'll give an update when i rip it open..lol ty