how to add lime?


Active Member
alright so i got a 5 gal bucket so are u saying i would add 5 tablespoons or add a table spoon in to a gal of water?

trichlone fiend

New Member, if you have 5 gallons, add 5 tbls as a top dressing (evenly across the soil's top) and water it in evenly. Good luck bud.


Well-Known Member
Hydrated lime vs a different variety will help you out alot as well. Its processed to be water soluble and corrects soil pH instantly.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Hydrated Lime is generally a very cheap and effective (albeit short-lived) way to bring your pH up. Re-application is likely to be needed to keep your pH optimal even assuming that you are checking/correcting the pH of your fertilizer solution before feedings. As you mentioned, this is after the fact that you have installed your plants in the soil so application of Dolomitized Lime is impractical and much, much too slow to affect soil pH quickly enough at this point and should be added prior to planting. Check the soil runoff pH after using Hydrated Lime (add small amounts as the package directs) to determine what is needed. Guesswork and/or wild speculation is not advised in this situation. Try for a runoff pH in the 6.5-7.0 range.