Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Well-Known Member
Hey all..Im going to post my cfl Easyrider outcome in a day or so after I get my other computer running but I am currently tryin to make a growbox to house 3 -4 autos my box will be 3 feet by 2.5 feet and 3-4 feet high..I would like to know what would be better as lights I was using 24 or 26 watt cfls in my last one but was a make shift box alot smaller and im thinkin on ordering either 2 105 watt cfls or 1 150 watt or 200 watt cfl as my top light I would like some input into this if you think its enough just as my top light i will use my other cfls as side lights..i would like to get this started just on n off about the setup...any help appreciated..
If your going to use that much wattage just get an hps lamp, you will thank yourself at harvest time. You will yield way more than you would with those cfls.


Well-Known Member
Everything's going well with my three auto-ak47's. They are 13 days from sprout (15 days from seed). Not the tallest yet, biggest one is about 4 and a half inches - but my god are they bushy. This is my first ever grow so im not sure what's normal, but the speed of these is nuts. There are new grow spots appearing every few hours, leaves seemingly growing out of leaves, new stems sprouting from older stems. Great stuff :-D :leaf:

Im hoping that they'l show sex in the next couple of days - the seeds were feminised auto ak-47's from lowlife, so fingers crossed they'l all be ladies. On that subject, anyone know how often feminised seeds turn out male?


Active Member
Nice Bigby, Im jealous, mine are about that big at 21 days, got any pics? I wonder how much it will matter for mine since they are also just now sexing at the same size.


Well-Known Member
My camera broke last week. Ordered a new one from ebay, should get it this week. Il post pics as soon as I get it.


Active Member
First is of the males, cant decide which one to keep yet. I already killed 2. Next 2 pics are the females, automaria on the left. I see a few other grows with the same batch of seeds as mine right now, and they are doing about the same. Mine are thicker looking even.


Active Member
first is of the males, cant decide which one to keep yet. I already killed 2. Next 2 pics are the females, automaria on the left. I see a few other grows with the same batch of seeds as mine right now, and they are doing about the same. Mine are thicker looking even.
hanging upside down in the grow room. It allows the other plants to see what will happen to them if they turn out to be males. Seems to keep the balls sucked in


Well-Known Member
those plants had to go outside they got to tall for my auto area. they are about 3 foot tall. my area cant handle any thing over 18-20 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
got 2 af fastbud going right now any1 evry grow this be4 and if so how dos it smoke
My fast bud got ripped out of the ground by some sort of animal so my info is from a plant about 3 weeks from harvest, at least. My fast bud has a unique smell to it, I have never smell cannabis that smelled like this does, a spicey sweet smell with something extra behind it I cant place my finger on, maybe some kind of fuel? oil or something. It smells great I should just say that. As for the smoke and taste, I couldnt say. I had a piece that I chopped off early because of mold, after getting rid of all the mold I saved what I could, when it dried it smelled like juicy fruit gum when you squeezed the bud a bit. And it was a slight head buzz from that, not very accurate, because I had already smoked, and like I said it was quite early.


Well-Known Member
those plants had to go outside they got to tall for my auto area. they are about 3 foot tall. my area cant handle any thing over 18-20 inches tall.
At least its summer time and you have the outdoors to put anything too big. They look good, and almost finished.


If your going to use that much wattage just get an hps lamp, you will thank yourself at harvest time. You will yield way more than you would with those cfls.
Well kinda hard to get hps etc here.. have to order but Im not making any big orders now just some cfls plus its very hot here always and a easy 80++ in the house its easy for me to cool cfls...I just finished my first cfl try and im very impressed when i compare to what i have seen here and with other people so I do know that if I went hps it would be even better I just cant do it at the moment.Im usually a outdoors man at least with regular gyrls..that was also my first auto..I will be trying a auto outside but what I want to do now will be in maybe I will put 1 just to see...sunlight here is 12/12 always so I dont know how a auto will do like that...Thanks though...but if anyone has any info on my box n lights would help...will be posting easyrider soon.