1st time grow... learning as i go...


Active Member
So just to start off, all my previous knowledge was gained off of watching a few videos on youtube about dwc/hydro and I thought that I was ready to go lol. I built a dwc system out of a 18 gallon tote a pump and some airstones. I also threw a water pump and a gang valve for a little drip up top. A buddy offered to give my 4 clones and I was ready to go. I hit the hydro show got a light(T-5 Fluorescent 4 lamp system) and sum nutrients.

#1. The 2 hour drive home with my clones wasn't the best for them.
#2. I had know idea what spider mites where until theyhad just about killed one of my clones and I franticly searched google... Got some mitex & neem oil...
#3. After loosing one clone to the mites I noticed my leaves where starting to look burnt and couldn't figure why, I was changing my res because after speding the $ on my setup I didnt want to pay the extra for a ppm/ph meter... Searched the net found this forum saw how important ph/ppm was and that clones shouldnt get full doses of nutrients... My ph was around 7.4 & my ppm was like 1800!? I flushed the plants and two survived.
2010-06-08 05.24.23.jpg2010-06-08 05.23.05.jpg2010-06-08 05.24.04.jpg2010-06-08 05.23.49.jpg
One clone it starting to grow and get semi bushy... Its the beginning of week 3 for the girls and one hasn't grown a bit. I worried she might kick the can but I really want just one to survive so I can clone her and start fresh with all this extra knowlege. I will upload pics if I can figure it out, any comments/critism would be appricated.
2010-06-08 05.26.32.jpg2010-06-08 05.27.09_Renton_Washington_US.jpg P.S. I know my plants have some battlescars from the mites & nutrient burn but the fresh growth up top looks pretty good in my eyes...


dnt worry if they still alive and you have flushed proply thy will be fine, there a weed and can thake alot of abuse! my wee baby got rely bad nute burn when it was 3weeks oldd17 004.jpgnot only did she pull thru but is thriving nw! my simple newb mastake was i didn mix the nutes with water before i put it into the tank!
but i strongly sutgest u get a ppm/ph pen, its a must with hydro, also u may wana bring the ph down during veg stage 5.8 6.2 and bring it up to 6.8 in flowring! good luck with the grow, im on my 1st grow and started with dwc so i know were ur coming from, there a lot 2 learn but once u have ur ppm/ph pens its easyr to figer out wats wrong with the plant, and once u have a system with regaulr checks on ur rezs not much can go wrong with dwc! good look and i hope u grow a monster like mine, :)
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Active Member
we have growth! this is my first grow like I said but as soon as I see some roots in my clone I'm putting the big guy in another area and starting a flowering cycle... these two plants are the same age lol... about 4&1/2 - 5 weeks into veg...
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The roots are super white in the water but the roots exposed to air are a little tan? What could cause that?


Active Member
I see you got a ph and ppm meter,just make sure to check them once a week to make sure there still calibrated.I have had them go out of calibration on me and cause problems in the past good luck and grow on


Active Member
thanks for the advice... I will have to run and pick up some calibration solution, I was only planning on checkin it once a month because thats what the box said but extra checking wouldn't be a bad idea.


Active Member
so I have been playing with clones for he past week & a half... I have been trying to find the best/quickest way to clone some strong babies before I switch my plant into flowering....

First i tried clonex, rockwool cubes and a dome with mist... Roots came in about 7 days and then I switched to dwc... They are looking okay kinda frail to be honest. But check out the root pic after a few days in dwc. 6 outta 8 clone rooted, of the 6 1 died and I accidently snapped the stem on the other moving it into dwc.
2010-07-08 00.14.39.jpg2010-07-08 00.14.18.jpg2010-07-08 00.13.56.jpg

Im not one that is easily satisfied & I want strong healthy clones! So I went out and bought some pvc pipe & spray nozzels and built and aerocloner I think... kinda like the ezclonner in stores. I just took some more cutting... I'm hoping for better health I used the clonex again and the rez is filled with PHed water atlike 150ppm with a lil superthrive & some house brand rooting food my friendly hydro shop lady recommended...
2010-07-08 00.13.01.jpg2010-07-08 00.13.38.jpg

The last pic is after I took the cuttings of my lil lady, she's supposed to be the "hog". Oh, I didn't throw away the old clones there still going at the same time as the new ones incase they get healthy again...lol

any suggestions???


Active Member
to me it looks like you got fusarium i say that because your stems are turnin red in the inside try cutting it in half and you will see. The problem is your res temps try keeping them around 60f-68f


Active Member
so here is my check in with the action on my clones...
the rockwool/dwc are getting healthy
2010-07-18 13.25.55.jpg2010-07-18 13.26.16.jpg

My mister cloner I mde is doing pretty good for results too...

2010-07-18 13.27.43_Renton_Washington_US.jpg2010-07-18 13.28.06_Renton_Washington_US.jpg2010-07-18 13.28.36_Renton_Washington_US.jpg

Remember this is my first grow attempt/cloning attempt...

I am a little worried about my main girl, the bottom leaes are getting dry and blotty, it that normal for the bottom leaes to die from lack of light? I did have a lil run in win some bugs last wek but I hit her with some neem oil. Can anyone tell me if my leaves are okay at the bottom or if I sould do anything? Thanks!
2010-07-18 13.24.48.jpg2010-07-18 13.25.35.jpg2010-07-18 13.26.44.jpg
This is what the dry bottom leaves look like...
2010-07-18 13.25.16.jpg


Active Member
dnt worry if they still alive and you have flushed proply thy will be fine, there a weed and can thake alot of abuse! my wee baby got rely bad nute burn when it was 3weeks oldView attachment 981417not only did she pull thru but is thriving nw! my simple newb mastake was i didn mix the nutes with water before i put it into the tank!
but i strongly sutgest u get a ppm/ph pen, its a must with hydro, also u may wana bring the ph down during veg stage 5.8 6.2 and bring it up to 6.8 in flowring! good luck with the grow, im on my 1st grow and started with dwc so i know were ur coming from, there a lot 2 learn but once u have ur ppm/ph pens its easyr to figer out wats wrong with the plant, and once u have a system with regaulr checks on ur rezs not much can go wrong with dwc! good look and i hope u grow a monster like mine, :)
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Uh, 6.8 during flowering? Are you drunk?