Looked everywhere...plz help. Can i just let autos m/f grow together and get seeds???


Active Member
:confused:So I started 4 autoflower ak47. It is now 2.5-3 weeks into my first auto grow but I have questions about making seeds. If i have 1 male auto and 3 fem auto and all the seeds were sowed at the same time, can I just let them all grow together and achieve pollination that will produce viable seeds. Or do I have to remove the male and let it mature to collect pollen and then start another auto that is fem and pollinate it. I want to sacrifice one grow for seed making but i am not sure if it will give me seeds by just letting them live together until term. Any help will be much apreciated.


Active Member
I know that they will get pollinated but givin the life cycle of an auto I dont know if there is enough time to have seeds develope. I wonder if I would get a better seed harvest if i collected pollen and pollinated a new batch. I hope I can just leave em and get mass ampounts of seeds. I would hate to have to wait to start a new grow. I want some seeds so i can squeeze in an outside auto crop before the season ends here. Thanx for the reply.


New Member
ya i guess if you just keep good airflow in your grow area the pollen should spead about, im also growing auto AK47 X with auto hindu kush, did you get youre seeds from Lowlife?


Active Member
Yeah...I bought a 10 pack of regs-autoak. I want to get some seeds so i dont have to buy any for a long time. I just hope that the one male I have will polinate the fems and produce for me. I'm worried about not having enough time for seeds to mature before the end of the cycle of life for the auto's. You'll have to let me know how the auto h-kush turns out. I think I am going on an auto kick for a while. I think they are cool as fuck.


Well-Known Member
K here is what you do just .pollenat i female she will make a plenty seeds

1.seperate 2 females not to be pollenated
2.just leave the male and one female together to do their thing( when light go out )
3. other two you let them do a full cycle harvest between weeks 8 and 9 go by trichs not calender
4. the sexy pair m/f after about 6 weeks male no good will start to die let female go for full term for seeds to mature 3 to 6 weeks before you harvest
dont worry about smoke worry about seeds

this is not the way i would do this task i have a plant now diesel ryder should be loaded with seeds it is 8 weeks and 3 days old it is pollenated now for 3 weeks and 3 days i know i have to go to week 11 for full seed development i grew 2 females one collected b egin of week 8 to smole the other i migh have to throw away smoke or just make something like hash or butter i dont know how smoke will be by week 11 i had to pollenate late due to slow pistil development on female that got dusted

if it was my show i would collect pollen this grow wait for next grow to pick a female to dust seperate her dust her with no fans on seperate for 2-3 days bring her back in mist all of them down put fans back on and wait

they show sex in 3 weeks water first 2 i normally transplant between week 2-3 i mix veg and flower food untill about week 5-6 i flush week 8 then wath trichs to see when done two day dry dark before harvest

they like light moore the better yield ,like root stimulator, like 2-2 1/2 gal pots, like 18/6 or 20/4 light schedule
hate 12 /12 light schedule ,transplant , and full nutes

i have given you a cram cousrs
good luck good by

1 Love


Well-Known Member
oh start with 1/4 strenth food go up to 1/2 strenth max their other then that easygrow

may the grow gods smile upon your beans my brother
1 Love


New Member
well you could always just take a lil pollen off to store, then if that first grow doesnt workout you could pollinate early on the next. ya its my first time growing autos and im not to sure about them, my first one hasn't even got to its forth set of leaves and it already starting to flower. is that normal? its still pretty much just a lil sprout and its already showing hairs.


Active Member
Thanx riched...Good info! I'm super pumped about getting a seed stock going. I have a feeling I'm gonna be very pleased with my seed harvest and my bud harvest. I'm gonna save some of the pollen for sure though, gonna try and pick out a good strong healthy mom with the other 6 beans I have left. The way I'm looking at it right now is the more the merrier...I'll start chucking seeds in random places and see what happens. I live by a preserve and it is pretty huge and pretty woodsy. Makes me daydream about patches of autos just growing away while nobody knows but me. lol...I can't wait!!!


Well-Known Member
if you going to save some pollen make sure its dry good before you stor it away in freezer or frig best with no vegatation mixed wth it



Well-Known Member
:confused:So I started 4 autoflower ak47. It is now 2.5-3 weeks into my first auto grow but I have questions about making seeds. If i have 1 male auto and 3 fem auto and all the seeds were sowed at the same time, can I just let them all grow together and achieve pollination that will produce viable seeds. Or do I have to remove the male and let it mature to collect pollen and then start another auto that is fem and pollinate it. I want to sacrifice one grow for seed making but i am not sure if it will give me seeds by just letting them live together until term. Any help will be much apreciated.
Just let nature take its course. Grow them side by side. You'll get seeds! Actually one female would provide hundreds of seeds.