DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
babies look great D i bet its a lot less nerve wracking going out with them in Adam id be shitting bricks walking about with a box like that in this country. its getting late in the season though man you must be close to pushing them out the nest eh?


Well-Known Member
Ive got mates that like to smoke all my weed up, bloody moochers lol. Least were u are theres an availability to buy decent pot to bring with ya lol. I really miss the days were everyone in the sesh has their own smoke and its difrent to wot ur smoking lol. The headband has gone down very well and gone vertuly lol bar a few grams in the bottom of the jars lol. Ill have to plant some more of that
I know, what happened to those days Westy!! Even in Scotia-land there was always a couple of bits of good hash kicking around.....nae mare though, just gash soap bar/henna

babies look great D i bet its a lot less nerve wracking going out with them in Adam id be shitting bricks walking about with a box like that in this country. its getting late in the season though man you must be close to pushing them out the nest eh?
I was thinking about the transport to my current selected site...it's not too far so hopefully will be all good. I was going to put them out on Sunday what with me old china plate being in town, but his wife is also a non-smoker so we used every available minute we had just getting baked....quite funny being with someone who normally smokes tobacco with his weed (if he's lucky enough to get weed - mostly pooh hash) and converting him for the weekend....he was super impressed with the Bong rush!!
If the rain stays off for two minutes I'll stick a couple of girls out tonight after work.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah hazy days wasted in the dam always great man.

havent seen good hash in this country in years bloody shame id love to get my mits on some charras again cost me an arm n a leg but then again it has come all the way from india

good luck for the guerilla planting sesh bro


Well-Known Member
Not much info on the Dazey Jones T. This is a new strain by a local guy in Amsterdam. He gave me my cut of Casey Jones and has also bred some of his own haze cross which I believe is called Devils Haze. I think this is a cross of both. As far as any details etc are concerned, I know as much as you now, haha

OG10, these are seeds I got from my last OG Kush run - these have been pollenated with some headband goo.. I just labelled the bag OG Kush 2010 so I wouldn't mix them up with my other OG Kush seeds I have left. So effectively like an accidental Headband cross....very interested to see what happens with these ones.


Active Member
OG Headkush? haha really nice journal you have goin, just finished reading the entire thing. Definitely love your other veggies and various plants.

Good vibes! ++++
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Well-Known Member
OG Headkush? haha really nice journal you have goin, just finished reading the entire thing. Definitely love your other veggies and various plants.

Good vibes! ++++
Rep for reading the whole journal BC, good skillz....OG Headkush is hopefully gonna be a winner....

I love my greenhouse, just seeing some of the fruits from that....I have never eaten so many lettuces in one weekend, anyone got ideas for storing lettuce long term, not sure I could eat another one!! haha.


Well-Known Member
Well the plants are okay, but they are not quite guerilla, more like jail bait bitches at the moment. Still sitting on my terrace - I had visitors so have not really been able to do much, although my old partner that was visiting certainly does like to smoke...pic below of the babies

No worries lad, anytime.

See here are the pics.

From the top (in the plastic container) you have the Dazey Jones, John Doe and Chemchiesel regular from seed.
Then you have 4 OG kush 2010, soon to be renamed "Divit Kush".
Then you have the Headband querilla girls. 2 of which are looking a bit lackluster....so it may just be the Dirty Dozen (12+1)

Rain here for the last two days....bah, bring back the sun please,

Peace, DST
Awww Nice. They Look real happy in the green house/terrace. 1BMM Peace


Well-Known Member
When the fek is it going to stop raining, I am going to start having tsunami dreams again!!! Epic 100 foot waves crashing down into the Dam....

Anyway, enough of my strange mind, Rain stopped play again yesterday so NAE guerilla gardening again! The wife reminded me that I have been waiting weeks to do it so another day is not going to do any harm.

Got fekkin moths in the greenhouse so getting a bit para about my clones for the next round. They are getting a bit stinky so the wife will not be best pleased if I bring them indoors either - plus the extreme lack of sun is pissing me off.

On a good note, my cauliflowers are booming man!! As are my broccoli, so all is well on the veg front. Blueberries are also starting to form and my onions, garlic and carrots are coming along a treat. I have also got my first flower on my cucumber plant and we should be getting a few butes of that....didn't know cucmbers had yellow flowers!

The flower room is all good, I have thrown the 3 cheese disasters in there to see if they show signs of sex. I have two clones from these and a 3rd on the go from the one cheese top that didn't root....so clones from all 3.

The Casey is coming down this weekend, and soon after the Headband phenos of 8-9 weeks (they got rock solid nugs on them already.) Next week it'll be the OG to come down....flushing them at the weekend.

Will update with pics at some point soon.



Well-Known Member
Here's a few for the masses.....

The two Caseys coming down at the weekend:

A nice OG Kush cola

Clones for the next run, ready and waiting...could the flowering girls please hurry up!!!

This is the Cheese Clone number 3 at the front. Looking hungry, she has been fed, lets hope she cheers up a bit soon.....fussy mother fukkers I tell ya:mrgreen:


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn that casey looks beaut man. any chance of a trans channel fairy ;)

man i hate to say this to ya but the cheese is missing the viney structure i think its dom to the worng side bru that said proof of the puddin is in the stuffin


Well-Known Member
damn that casey looks beaut man. any chance of a trans channel fairy ;)

man i hate to say this to ya but the cheese is missing the viney structure i think its dom to the worng side bru that said proof of the puddin is in the stuffin
was thinking the same thing lad, it's stem is thickening up, but the leaves are going quite skinny, funny cause it's Mom has a real viney stem and branch structure....we shall see lad.

me thinks someone close to you will have a CJ cut soon enough....the fairy already went his way.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
theres time for it yet then i spose man.

ah yes id forgotten the fairy was in the country! i miss my grow so badly. in the time its taken me to not move house i could have done another full grow :(