Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
for the last week now all i can think about is growing marijauna again, i feel like i am going through mj growing withdraws or somthin it sux its always on my mind. and growin veggies isnt cuttin it for me. so i might start a small guerilla grow depending if i get put back on probation again
dude i feel exactly the same i shut down to move house and havent found anywhere suitable yet its driving me crazy not having anything on the go. i did a few outdoors but think i got rumbled and someone snapped a couple over 2 still in tact but same could happen at any time if the same person comes back to check.

good luck if you go guerilla! its just about keepin me sane tho i cant go and look at them lol


Well-Known Member
for the last week now all i can think about is growing marijauna again, i feel like i am going through mj growing withdraws or somthin it sux its always on my mind. and growin veggies isnt cuttin it for me. so i might start a small guerilla grow depending if i get put back on probation again
i'll second that!...i was so upset when i took my tent down :( i'll be back soon enough though!


Well-Known Member
And here's my Headband Cali O cross outside enjoying the cloudy weather in Northern Europe....bah! She's in a 40 litre pot.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ill be back on it as soon as i can believe, im thinking of doing a cfl in a cardboard box grow n just not telling her indoors!

cali headband looks kanny bro nice n healthy maybe gettin a little too much water at the mo in sunny Holland,


Well-Known Member
Yer not wrong's pissin again today and my water storage tank is full to burstin. However, it's still 20 degrees...I'd rather it was cold, at least you can wrap up.

Stealth grow...what about the niff?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im going to get an ozone generator off ebay for about 12 bar man, westy just got one cos apparently they sort out bacteria mildew and mould. and as an added bonus no pen and ink! im actually thinking about staying put and getting one cos really apart from the extra space the only reason were moving is the place has a mould prob, all solved by the ozone genny!?!?


Well-Known Member
Sterhen Healthy Product Manufacturer Guangzhou China!!! You gotta love the Chinese, even with their sweatshops...who else could produce such a thing for 12 quid!!! I wonder how healthy the workers who make it are...

Looks just the ticket though!! So you thinking off staying put then if the mould goes away?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well im umming and aaahing means losing the newly decorated bedroom ( or my lasses new walk in wardrobe/ dressing room ) to a grow room again lol

i dunno man see how the cards land if we see somewhere with more space for the same money we'll probably shift. probably best, keeps folk guessing, especially after the plod visit. id rather not be directly under the choppers flight path twice nightly

yeah its great engrish those boys use eh!


Well-Known Member
Choppers do my nut in, I think I am also in a flight path, but hey, that doesn't necessarily mean they are constantly checking for grows....but it doesn't exactly help the nerves.

ha, check their main website out...
I had a little giggle at the picture with the Chinese guy standing next to a very European looking blonde lady....

We are trying to do business with a Chinese company at the is very hard I can tell you.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol i didnt have you of all people down as an inter racialist D, for shame. isnt your mrs south african!?! lol jks

yeah the pork chopper is generally way too high overhead to even be looking but due to my area being a bit rough they do occaisionally come low with the lights on looking for toe rags hiding in gardens. mine is no exception


Well-Known Member
lol i didnt have you of all people down as an inter racialist D, for shame. isnt your mrs south african!?! lol jks

yeah the pork chopper is generally way too high overhead to even be looking but due to my area being a bit rough they do occaisionally come low with the lights on looking for toe rags hiding in gardens. mine is no exception
haha, nah man, I am not a racist in any form, it's just with my recent business dealings with this Chinese company that I found the pic of the blonde girl quite amusing on that the Chinese that blonde hair is the epitomey of Western culture....yet a lot of people in the West ain't actually blonde!


Well-Known Member
dude i feel exactly the same i shut down to move house and havent found anywhere suitable yet its driving me crazy not having anything on the go. i did a few outdoors but think i got rumbled and someone snapped a couple over 2 still in tact but same could happen at any time if the same person comes back to check.

good luck if you go guerilla! its just about keepin me sane tho i cant go and look at them lol
i think i might just do a few bagseed guerrilla plants cuz i just cant take it anymore, and like u i wont be checkin on them to much

i'll second that!...i was so upset when i took my tent down :( i'll be back soon enough though!
ididnt know you guys werent growin anymore, i need some grow counsling to keep my mind off it till i can grow again. good news though my brother has about 24 legal plants that i get to go check out soon and help with security, so at least ill be around some huge outdoor plants

well im umming and aaahing means losing the newly decorated bedroom ( or my lasses new walk in wardrobe/ dressing room ) to a grow room again lol

i dunno man see how the cards land if we see somewhere with more space for the same money we'll probably shift. probably best, keeps folk guessing, especially after the plod visit. id rather not be directly under the choppers flight path twice nightly

yeah its great engrish those boys use eh!
we used to have choppers all the time here in oregon near croptober so they could take everyones crop right before harvest. but they fly over every where here cuz alot grow. its kinda not as bad with choppers now though cuz theri is over 30,000 legal patients in oregon so they cant pull them with out them doin something illegal


Well-Known Member
oh and very cool vid Dst, its cool how some music can be made with simple noises.

and the plants are lookin great as always, i like the way the cali o headband is lookin, she is a sexy bitch


Well-Known Member
So glad to finally be part of this thread. What do you guys use to cool your 600w?
1). I just bought my stuff for my next grow. grow tent 600w dimmable with both MH and HPS; pyrex bake a round for a cool tube. Should I get 1x6" fan or 2x4" fans (one for each side of the cool tube)
2). Are the 4" fans much more quiet. Noise is my issue more than vetiliation, i have plenty of other fans for circulation.
What do you guys use to cool your 600w?


Well-Known Member
So glad to finally be part of this thread. What do you guys use to cool your 600w?
1). I just bought my stuff for my next grow. grow tent 600w dimmable with both MH and HPS; pyrex bake a round for a cool tube. Should I get 1x6" fan or 2x4" fans (one for each side of the cool tube)
2). Are the 4" fans much more quiet. Noise is my issue more than vetiliation, i have plenty of other fans for circulation.
What do you guys use to cool your 600w?
I use a 6" - 465 cfm inline fan. Keeps my shiz nice and cool. I have to worry about light bleaching before heat.

And I gotta say, If I had a sister I'd be really offended, lol.

And D. I got a buddy who travels to china for business 3 or 4 times a year. I'll ask him for some contacts. ;)


Well-Known Member
It's pretty damn loud. Definitely not 'stealth'. If silence is the key, I would say the two 4" would be better. It's funny becuase I'm not growing at the moment... and it's really weird how quiet the house is. You can actually hear my shit from the front of the house.

And 1BMM.... I fuckin love all the gurilla stories. I can just picture your ass hauling little plants through the back country. Just awesome.