new grow first ever

hi i am a newbie to growin indoors i was lucky enuf to have been given a bluecheese cuttin as i had already had a wight widow mummy but this has cut my time till cropin in half i have a 600 hps and my baby sits on a nft system i am in week 3 ov bloom and she is standin about 3 feet tall with sum big buds already she is drinkin 7l in 24 hours is this 2much plz help

trichlone fiend

New Member
...looks like it maybe getting a little hot in your room, or your light is too close (heat stress)...the edges of your leaves are wrinkling upwards. What are you temps like in there?
yes thats what i got told so i have now put a fan 2 move hot air away from under the light its only the top leaves near the light


Active Member
Definitely looks heat stressed! I agree with Reefa, your prolly losing alot of that moisture through evaporation..... What are your temps and humidity in that space?


Well-Known Member
Yes i would say that 7 liters a day is far too much. Are you getting run off each time you water. What is the room Humidity, because if the water is evaporating from the pot then this should be very high. You need to let your medium dry out some before you water, you can easily check this with by sticking a finger in to your medium. what size pot are you using?

temp and humidity r controlled by sensors but like i said the top was burnt by the bulb but think in on top ov it now so will have 2 c what happens just started 2 add abit ov bloombastic just 2 get her ready for sunday when she is 4 week old the on with the full strenth bloombastic then the buds should go mad