My seedling has wilted please help

So i have 9 Easy Ryders in Two different containers and I believe the water levels were to high so in order to correct the problem I emptied some water. After doing so my plants looked fine for about a day or so. They are on day 8 since germ and now one of the plants rock wool has dried and the plant is wilted. I just toped the water in the reservoir off with un-nuted water (the nutes in the reservoir is at 50% just increased from 35% about 16 hrs ago). I watered the plant by hand with a 35% nutrient solution and moved the lights back to the original position.

My question is after watering should I move the lights so close? As I believe the problem to be the plant is drying up. The leaves are green and the plant does not appear to be stretching, and was doing great up untill this afternoon when I noticed the rock wool to be extremely dry.

Also can i save this plant seeing as i already had one seed not germ?

Pic 1 - the wilted plant; Pic 2 - a plant right next to the wilted plant; Pic 3 - another plant in the same container as the wilted plant.

Also thank you in advanced for any help.

:peace: Pagalicous :peace:


Okay so i cheched the rock wool at like 1030 pm and it was dry as a $hi* so i added water to my reservoir and made sure it was getting adequate water.

My new question is do i leave it on the 20/4 light cycle or do i give it 24 hrs of light to let it take hold, and is there still hope for it? the other plants in the same tub were starting to get dry and have come back since i have watered it.

This was a definitely a bitch noob lesson to learn and i wish i had learned it on bag seed
but oh well.

:peace: Pagalicous :peace:
well since I'm only one out here I give my self an update- the one plant is probably dead but the other ones are doing okay I think I'm going to be making a grow journal soon even though I'll prob be writing to my self.

:peace: Pagalicous :peace:


Active Member
I would use less nurtrients. ITs soooo easy to over nutrient a seedling. Yes you will need to keep watering your rockwool as many as needed a day. Letting it it almost dry out is good keep doing that just don't let it sit dry. I get a syring and water my rock wool with 6mL of water thats hardly any but it has worked like a charm so far. I do it 2-3 times a day as needed. and withen 3-4 days the root will be touching the water. You can cover the rockwool up so the direct light it wont dry out as fast. I use reflect of tape u get in the duct piping area at a home depot or lowes. I just tape over the pot. This also helps get light to the lower parts of your plant. Do what ever lighting you want 18 to 24 hours a day and it really depends on what type of lighting u have. if you have Metal halide or HPS you can kill your seedling if its to close, I would keep it 16 inchs away, and for CFLS about 2-3 inchs away. Good luck!
I would use less nurtrients. ITs soooo easy to over nutrient a seedling. Yes you will need to keep watering your rockwool as many as needed a day. Letting it it almost dry out is good keep doing that just don't let it sit dry. I get a syring and water my rock wool with 6mL of water thats hardly any but it has worked like a charm so far. I do it 2-3 times a day as needed. and withen 3-4 days the root will be touching the water. You can cover the rockwool up so the direct light it wont dry out as fast. I use reflect of tape u get in the duct piping area at a home depot or lowes. I just tape over the pot. This also helps get light to the lower parts of your plant. Do what ever lighting you want 18 to 24 hours a day and it really depends on what type of lighting u have. if you have Metal halide or HPS you can kill your seedling if its to close, I would keep it 16 inchs away, and for CFLS about 2-3 inchs away. Good luck!
Thanks for the idea I'll give the syring watering a try. I too assumed it was the nutes however the rest are doing so well and my solutions is 50% or under (which started at 35%).

Also BigBudz, I might try the 24 hrs of constant light; like you said couldn't hurt.

:peace: Pagalicous :peace:


Well-Known Member
its not dead yet by looking at the picture , 24/7 light , 6.3 distilled water(sit for 24hour one) pure water

if u have a weak nut u can give it a little boost of supermax b1 seaweed nut 1-2-1 a little drip in a 2liter and ur seedling will be up on time! ;)
I appreciate all of your tips and helpfulness but today at 5:30 pm central standard time I had to pull Lucinda (it just feels wrong to bury her with out giving her a name). I buried her in my backyard maybe god's hand can bring her back, though doubtful as it is dry - dry - dry where I live.

R.I.P. Lucinda 6/4/10 - 6/13/10 she was loved.

If y'all want to follow the rest of my grow feel free, and again thanks so much for the comments and helpful advice

my grow journal link :

:peace: Pagalicous :peace: