Is this a male?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it's a male (or a hermie since I see signs of pistils but not confirmed) but I wanted to post pics here just to make 100% sure that I was right.

I know the quality of the pic isn't all good but the circled area are tiny little green ball-like shapes and they're on some other nodes as well, and there's like 4 together.



Active Member
Shit it kind of looks like it, the quality isn't very good so it's hard to tell.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys :D I'm a little bit disappointed since that was a nice plant for a first grow, but hey, shit happens. I got another plant still going, I'm just hoping that's a female.


Well-Known Member
Sucks, i had 2 turn male outta 3.
My only lady is coming alone pretty good.
But now i have 4 new seeds germinating! Woohoo!


Well-Known Member
Sucks, i had 2 turn male outta 3.
My only lady is coming alone pretty good.
But now i have 4 new seeds germinating! Woohoo!
Nice, I have 6 other plants in germination right now that should pop up anytime, I planted them like 2-3 days ago so I'm hoping nothing fucked up. I also have one sativa strain randomly in the ground I planted as an experiment, it's growing slow but we'll see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Nice, I have 6 other plants in germination right now that should pop up anytime, I planted them like 2-3 days ago so I'm hoping nothing fucked up. I also have one sativa strain randomly in the ground I planted as an experiment, it's growing slow but we'll see what happens.

the strains for the seeds that are germin are: 2x apollo 11 & 2x aurora indica X apollo 11 {back crossed}

i also germinated a og kush X afgahni goo and its outside in a pot and the new growth was takin off due to rain. Im just gonna let it grow and see if it revives itself. Do u think it shall grow?


put a trash bag over it carefuly as to not knock around pollen and possibly inseminate ur others and chop the fucker down, punch it in the cockhole first thing when it is away from the others


Well-Known Member
put a trash bag over it carefuly as to not knock around pollen and possibly inseminate ur others and chop the fucker down, punch it in the cockhole first thing when it is away from the others
Haha I had some plans with my male, I was first gunna piss all over it for being a gay alpha-male, then I'm gunna scare the living male out of it and turn it into a female when I rip it out of the ground.