What is Your Opinion of the Pledge of Allegiance?


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't call his response intelligent.

he does sum up the basic idea behind having kids recite that day after day every morning.

let the kids say it in the morning. i had to say it every morning and it doesn't torment me or anything like that. i remember kids that had some funny perverted versions of the pledge that cracked me up... if i dare say it now i'd be labeled a terrorist so i'll just keep them to myself...:peace::peace:
You don't have to call my response intelligent, but it sure beats the hell out of your response.


Well-Known Member
IMO its a ploy to brainwash little kids.
In what sense is it a ploy to brainwash? Are you saying that we as adults of the United States should NOT be teaching our children about how our country was founded or why it was founded? Wouldn't that be like just ignoring the fact that the holocaust happened? Please explain your response further. How does this work as brainwashing kids? What part is exactly brainwashing? How would YOU have our children learn to love the nation they live in?


Well-Known Member
I don't fucking have to and I'm not a nationalist trying to pass down tradition.
Ah, okay. I get that. Then you should move out of the country to a country that allows you to be ignorant of how it was founded and why the founding of that country was so unimportant.

You know. . . if people actually thought about what they were saying and doing before they actually said it or did it, the world we be a hell of a lot better. So do you always ONLY care about what YOU want and never consider how your actions affect others around you?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
the only words to live by


live by this fuck the allegiance..


Active Member
If anything, you could have shown some respect for the brave men who put their lives on the line to construct this great nation.. But then again, they fought for the same right that allows you to be disrespectful ..so in a way they did and didn't die in vain... hmmm

Also I was wondering if you guys who choose not to participate in the pledge of allegiance also sit out for the national anthem? Although you would probably get your ass kicked for doing that


Well-Known Member
Ah, okay. I get that. Then you should move out of the country to a country that allows you to be ignorant of how it was founded and why the founding of that country was so unimportant.

You know. . . if people actually thought about what they were saying and doing before they actually said it or did it, the world we be a hell of a lot better. So do you always ONLY care about what YOU want and never consider how your actions affect others around you?
OK I'll move as soon as i can. I am aware how the u.s was founded. What does it have to do with the pledge? The u.s is not what it's supposed to be and will never get there. Sorry but i'm not brainwashed enough to love something that wants to put me in prison and break up my family.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
If anything, you could have shown some respect for the brave men who put their lives on the line to construct this great nation.. But then again, they fought for the same right that allows you to be disrespectful ..so in a way they did and didn't die in vain... hmmm

Also I was wondering if you guys who choose not to participate in the pledge of allegiance also sit out for the national anthem? Although you would probably get your ass kicked for doing that
true, they choose to fight for our fucked up government that does more wrong the good the people and espisaly our soldiers. they get the short end of the stick all the way around.. thats how fuct out goverment is.. DO FOR ME AND FUCK U. thats the way they think, oh im wrong they think...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
freedom of preach and action.. they would be wrong for attempting the whip ass...


Well-Known Member
If anything, you could have shown some respect for the brave men who put their lives on the line to construct this great nation.. But then again, they fought for the same right that allows you to be disrespectful ..so in a way they did and didn't die in vain... hmmm

Also I was wondering if you guys who choose not to participate in the pledge of allegiance also sit out for the national anthem? Although you would probably get your ass kicked for doing that
hell yeah fuck the national anthem too. I remember some old guy yelling at me about it before. I just sat and laughed at him.


Well-Known Member
In what sense is it a ploy to brainwash? Are you saying that we as adults of the United States should NOT be teaching our children about how our country was founded or why it was founded? Wouldn't that be like just ignoring the fact that the holocaust happened? Please explain your response further. How does this work as brainwashing kids? What part is exactly brainwashing? How would YOU have our children learn to love the nation they live in?
They don't teach shit about why our country came to be or how it happened, no one learns about the Constitution or really anything that effects their lives in a big way. Its just a way to make kids think that the USA has nothing but the "Good Guys" Or "Cowboys" and all of our enemies are the "bad guys" or the "Indians". I mean what kid do you know that even has 1 clue about the difference between a republic and democracy? Ask just about anyone and they will tell you we live in a democracy, ignorance is bliss. Then they fill their heads with such statements as "With Justice and Liberty for all" , but just who do you know that has Liberty? Liberty is the absence of government intervention and free will of the person. Who has that? the government has its nose in ALL your Business and has huge amounts of laws and regulations that completely interfere with our daily lives. Who has Justice done? Certainly not the 17 people who have been put to death and then were found out to be totally innocent. They sure as fuck got no justice. http://www.abanet.org/irr/hr/fall97/deathpen.html


I'm sorry but I don't understand you people who use the " under god " excuse in regards to the pledge. The word "god" could be re-framed for your personal belief. No matter what it is. God could mean many things to you other then a higher being. I personally not not believe in the whole organized religion thing but have no problem saying " under god ". Also just because you don't believe means you have to bash ? Respect can be given both ways.

Sooner or later people are going to have to start coming together and quit fighting about things that should not have to questioned. You can not argue the fact that the United States of America was founded and based on the christian religion. Not to get off topic but it is close, Why do the 10 commandments make so many people mad ? Once again I'm no religion guy but I've read them many times and yep nothing wrong with them. Looks like the first 10 ideas for living in a community ! Seems like some people just like to stir the pot which divides us more. Just remember these are the little silly things the " machine " wants us to fight over while they play their games.



Well-Known Member
I think its a good since of pride for our country and the more we have pride for the country the better it will be.


Well-Known Member
we were not founded and based on the christian religion, the closest you might say is judeo-christian values. how else would you explain that whole first amendment thing and the separation of church and state? we are not a christian nation, never have been, never will be.

as far as the 10 commandments go, at least 4 of them are bs. the rest are fine


Active Member
hell yeah fuck the national anthem too. I remember some old guy yelling at me about it before. I just sat and laughed at him.
Man, someday I hope you grow up and realize the sacrifices that not only have been made, but are still being made to give you the life you have. It must feel good being the only guy in the stadium that doesn't get it.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I don't understand you people who use the " under god " excuse in regards to the pledge. The word "god" could be re-framed for your personal belief. No matter what it is. God could mean many things to you other then a higher being. I personally not not believe in the whole organized religion thing but have no problem saying " under god ". Also just because you don't believe means you have to bash ? Respect can be given both ways.

Sooner or later people are going to have to start coming together and quit fighting about things that should not have to questioned. You can not argue the fact that the United States of America was founded and based on the christian religion. Not to get off topic but it is close, Why do the 10 commandments make so many people mad ? Once again I'm no religion guy but I've read them many times and yep nothing wrong with them. Looks like the first 10 ideas for living in a community ! Seems like some people just like to stir the pot which divides us more. Just remember these are the little silly things the " machine " wants us to fight over while they play their games.

under god was put in under Eisenhower as a way to separate us from the godless commies.
that is all. your post about religion, while factually correct, is ultimately irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I don't understand you people who use the " under god " excuse in regards to the pledge. The word "god" could be re-framed for your personal belief. No matter what it is. God could mean many things to you other then a higher being. I personally not not believe in the whole organized religion thing but have no problem saying " under god ". Also just because you don't believe means you have to bash ? Respect can be given both ways.
Why would I respect something that's forced upon me? I see no freedom there. Throughout school, it was never a voluntary thing, always mandatory, and if not recited, you'd of been disciplined accordingly. Would you respect it the same if it said "one nation without God"? Be honest.

Sooner or later people are going to have to start coming together and quit fighting about things that should not have to questioned. You can not argue the fact that the United States of America was founded and based on the christian religion. Not to get off topic but it is close, Why do the 10 commandments make so many people mad ? Once again I'm no religion guy but I've read them many times and yep nothing wrong with them. Looks like the first 10 ideas for living in a community ! Seems like some people just like to stir the pot which divides us more. Just remember these are the little silly things the " machine " wants us to fight over while they play their games.

Dude, look at the 1st amendment, then take a look at the 1st commandment. Not exactly complimentary. Pretty much mutually exclusive as far as I can tell, help me out though, maybe I'm missing something...

1st Amendment;

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

1st Commandment;

"I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me..."


Well-Known Member
Apparently there are a whole lot of stupid people on this web site anymore. If you all knew what you were talking about you would be loving every little bit of the United States. That's fine by me. Have your ignorance. One day there is going to be a reckoning. And I'm not talking about a religious reckoning, just a reckoning. Somehow. . . I think those that choose to deny the idea of a great nation that was founded on freedom of religion will be the first ones with their heads on the chopping blocks.

I've got an idea. . . maybe some of you should pick up a book and start reading something for once instead of just getting your ideas from the news networks and local news. Ignorance is bliss. . . until someone uses that ignorance against you.