oh no i went hermie!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
my plants have been under a lot of stress. i had to keep them hidden when i started, and i did not have a proper set up, but was hoping for success in the mean time and learn something for when i did get a proper set up. i started them around november in the attic with a heater, then moved them to a closet in january, then back to an attic when the weather warmed up. i took clones, and got my set up going in the mean time. i started flowering about 10-11 days ago. i identified 2 males and destroyed them. the other 3 were female. now one of them has a big ol nut sack on one branch. so what should i do? I have 3 decent size plants flowering under 400 watt hps. should i kill the hermie and flower 2? flower 3 anyway? cut the balls off and hope for 3 females?


Well-Known Member
You made clones? Then they are all exactly the same sex, clones ARE EXACT COPIES OF THE PARENT PLANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the parent plant was male, all the clones will also be male ALL OF THEM!!!!!

FWIW you only clone females.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You made clones? Then they are all exactly the same sex, clones ARE EXACT COPIES OF THE PARENT PLANT!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the parent plant was male, all the clones will also be male ALL OF THEM!!!!!

FWIW you only clone females.
yeah i cloned all of them before i flowered. i made green dragon out of the 2 males and threw the male clones in the compost. is this hermie genetic, or was it female turned hermie from stress? should i destroy his/her clones? i am growing for myself, but im not sure which will be a better yeild - 2F1H or 3F under a 400watt hps. the plants are pretty big (about 3' tall - 10 days into flowering).


Well-Known Member
Hermies can very well be genetic, but you will never know for sure until you get things de-stressed and have a good setup going. These things can take YEARS to get going well.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
yeah, but is 2 bagseed females better than 2F and 1 herm? I'd rather have no seeds. Will my 2 females compensate and yield more once that hermina is out of the picture?

I think its the heat stressing them out. its been getting up to almost 100 on these hot days. I am exhausting my grow rooms, but not enough maybe. I just made a DIY cool tube and extended the exhaust to it, so the exhaust is drawn over the bulb and then out. seems to have lowered the temps a bit, and allows what feels like an extra 2-3 inches closer to the bulb without burning. im around 85*F right now. im going to put an oscillating fan in there tomorrow and if the temps still go near 90 im going to disconnect the cool tube from the exhaust, and get another fan and make the cool tube intake/exhaust external air in a closed system.

im tripping hard on green dragon from my 2 dead males, so i can only imagine dragoning this hermie would be even more potent.


Well-Known Member
YES your 2 females will grow better with the hermie gone, AND you won' t have seed as long as you got the hermie out in time. You see hermies prodiuce pollen, and just a little bit of pollen will make ALL your plants have lots and lots of seeds everywhere.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I think I still got time. I only seen 2-3 nut sacks, and i didnt see them until last night. i will kill the hermie before lights on today.


Well-Known Member
how much yeild is taken when your plants go hermie? is the yeild pretty much the same but with seeds?
When a plant goes hermie it spreads pollen causing EVERY SINGLE FEMALE PLANT to produce seed instead of bud, so you see keeping hermies is DETRIMENTAL to a good harvest. Kill and get rid of hermans and males ASAP. Clone from a good female plant and you will never have these problems.

Brick Top

New Member
I am NOT telling anyone to do this and I am NOT guaranteeing that it will work .. but ... way back decades ago when I was young, back when dirt was new and dinosaurs roamed the earth and they didn't teach history in school because there hadn't been any yet, I met an old hippie who was the first person I knew that grew sensimilla. If he had a hermi he would coat/cover the 'balls' with rubber cement sealing in the pollen. He swore that if you sealed them all you could grow the plant and not have seeds.

I do not know if it works as well as he said, which I believe would depend on how diligent someone would be at sealing their 'balls' (a bit of a pun intended there guys), I so seldom had hermis and when I did it was not many or a tragic loss so I always chopped them ... but if someone is willing to grow out a hermi anyway what do they have to lose by giving it a go?

P.S. I was glad to see it was only the guy's plants that went hermi. When I read "oh no i went hermi" I thought the guy was going to say he started crossdressing or started dating transvestites ..... and liked it. I thought I was going to tell him that I think he picked the wrong thread ... AND the wrong forum to tell the world of his lifestyle change.

I was glad that did not turn out to be the case.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
haha i do like my womans underwear, but its strictly for comfort!

I would be afraid of cementing the balls because if i miss even 1 not only is my hermi seeded but my 2 females are also.

My main goal for this batch is to get as much good product for personal use as possible. Although I have several clones going right now, and will probably move them into the flower chamber before this batch is done flowering. My eventual goal is to get a good rotating harvest going, where im keeping mothers and taking clones and moving them into the flowering chamber at a fairly young age. I know I will be getting less per plant, but im hoping to get decent yeilds by moving lots of plants through and getting all top colas. Ideally id like to get a harvest every 3-4 weeks. I also don't want lots of big plants all flowering and going through the stinkiest phase at the exact same time, so im hoping a rotating flowering schedule will keep the stink to a more manageable level, albeit constant. So I want to maximize my yield from my current 3 plants, and if murdering the hermi and letting my fems get more light to themselves will increase the overall thc production (as opposed to letting all 3 plants live and SEED) I should do that.

...but im still learning so I will (and already have) adapt as needed.

So is this hermi plant genetic? It vegged for close to 6 months under cfl, most of it very non ideal conditions. Showed signs of being a female first, then hermed out of nowhere. But if its from heat stress (my box is getting super hot with my hps now) why didn't my other 2 plants hermi? Just coincidence? Or is this one more predisposed to herming under stress? Even if its a true female, but will herm under less stress than my others I should destroy the clones because they will also be more apt to herm.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
And can i take clones from the flowering plants? Once my males and hermi clones are destroyed I will have 3 clones of "B" plant, 1 clone of "E" plant, and 2 cuttings from E that have not rooted in my aeroponic machine. And I want to keep one to make a mother to make more clones. My concern is that by the time the designated mother gets large enough for me to propagate more clones, and those clones root and are ready for flowering that my flowering chamber will have been harvested. So if i could take a few clones from the flowering plants I could fill that gap until my mothers are up to the task of replenishing me. I just don't know if that fucks with the plant too much, or changes its genetics. A clone post-flowering will forever have come from a plant that's gone through puberty; im just not sure if that matters or how.

B rooted in the clone machine no problem, but E is not rooting. The only clone of E that rooted was with rooting hormone and soil. Is this by chance or does E just not like cloning in my clone machine? I like the machine because it's less work and works WAY faster than the soil method, and ive had a higher success rate. But if E wont clone in the bucket ill have to do all soil.