XxNinjaxX's ScrOB (Cheese That Is)


Well-Known Member
So I just flipped my switch on my grow and am gonna try the 36 hours dark period as well ninja. also where do you buy coco I haven't seen it in any stores around here


Well-Known Member
The girls are on their 9th day of flower now. I must say how impressed i am with the AI plant.. It keeps amazing me. It is such a robust plant that just looks awesome.

The undergrowth is soon to go bongsmilie Make it alot easier to control any pests!
I have been finding a few spider-mites in there, but so far i have them under control - just cant seem to break the lifecycle though. I have been Pyrithium spraying them every couples of days, but will hit em with Neem spray once the underside of the screen is cleaned up.

The BC are coming along as i expected.. Kinda Slow! :-|
I have been forced to place the light predominantly over the BC so it may fill out like the AI.
The average space between Internodes is 1 - 1.5 inches :blsmoke:

Things are going to start getting real busy in here real soon :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
wow. they have filled the tent nicely. i will post some pics on my thread tomorrow. mine will be day 11 flower tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Looking very nice ninj. Its a shame that you have to look after the BC. Cant she just grow the same as the AI. Looking forward to watching those buds form.


Well-Known Member
hey man, hows things?

i just waned to show you how the LEGENDS ULTIMATE INDICA are going.

here i a pic of each one. first pic is the SWEET TOOTH pheno and the second pic is the CALI HASHPLANT pheno. they are both going really good, growing taller and shooting out secondaries. they will be going into the 1mx1m tent after i harvest the SLH and clean the system up. monday at the latest. i cant wait.


Well-Known Member
im still watching
your my scrog master
Cheers Jimmy, how is ur screen setup coming along?
wow. they have filled the tent nicely. i will post some pics on my thread tomorrow. mine will be day 11 flower tomorrow.
I'm hoping they will buff up that little bit more as im not 100% happy with them.. Still a few squares that could be fuller IMO.
I'l b over to check out ur thread when u update then 4 sure.
How are you finding the growth rate to be?


Well-Known Member
hey man, hows things?

i just waned to show you how the LEGENDS ULTIMATE INDICA are going.

pic is the SWEET TOOTH pheno

Looking good dude. I think it wierd that a plant called 'Ultimate Indica' would have such a Hybrid looking leaf structure..
But then again i also find it wierd that a plant called 'Aurora Indica' would have a 9 week flowering time :-?


Well-Known Member
yeah ok ninja
the screen is a 1/4 full of pissed off growth , they were big when i went to stick em in the screen and i chopped ,poked and stressed the fuck outa them but i think they will come back
the set up is had a full clean down and a full pest killing mission was undertaken so that every thing was ready for another grow, i think a lot of people need to take more time in prep to really get what they want from each grow instead of just finishing one and slamming another straight through
but all in all its looking ok just gotta wait for the fuckers to come back
i have a thread going ,check it out and help me to get my grow looking better


Well-Known Member
hey man, just letting you know that the LUI are getting 400watts hps tomorrow. they will be under that until sunday possibly monday when they go under the 1000watter.