Mystery seed, first grow, CFL


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try and keep it small since it will be temporary until we move, I'd definitely like to have 4 or 5 seedlings ready for my place since I will be able to easily hook them up right from the start to the new light


Well-Known Member
I kind of expected it but my friend didn't come through today, at least not yet, it's barely going to be 9pm here and he doesn't live too far away, hopefully he calls. In the meantime, I ended up at Big Lots to buy a few more things and came across some T3 CFL light, never heard of it but it was $11.

The tote box is updated with some more lights, as soon as I get the 400w the clone will go directly under it for 18/6



Well-Known Member
5.7 earthquake hit us a few minutes ago, I'm very lucky the power didn't go out, they're barely on their 16th hour before lights out at 18


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha no strains, shitty mids, illegal herb but when we smoke it our house doesn't falldown around us, lol

on the real hope everything is ok bud


Well-Known Member
No worries here, smoked a lot of Mr. Nice Guy and Private Reserve and everything is back to normal, my wife is sound asleep. She has a bit of an anxiety problem sometimes and has prescription pills, but nothing works better than a heavy indica :D

So what do you guys think of the new lights I added? My friend didn't come through with the light today, hopefully he hits me up tomorrow. I'm getting ready to just dump my seedlings to some friends and pick up some clones to speed things up before we move


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More good news, one of my medical seeds cracked, it should be ready for soil by tomorrow morning. Now that I have the 400w I am going to start germinating a few more seeds


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Cause I forgot...

I fixed it, I did it that way before too, that was that plant that failed, that might explain what happened


Well-Known Member
Give your plant some Nitrogen, Look at the lower leaves turning yellow.
The clone came like that from where I got her, pretty much adopted her, she just barely went under this light last night

lol oops. also, im sure you know this, but the part coming out of the seed needs to point down..
Yea I tried but it was too big, I had read somewhere on here that it isn't that big of a deal though?


Well-Known Member
Yea I tried but it was too big, I had read somewhere on here that it isn't that big of a deal though?
its personal preference. The roots will still grow down even if you plante them strait up. it will just make it harder for the seed to do it (and thats not a good thing).


Well-Known Member
The root was really thick, I think it'll be fine this time. I have 3 germing right now and I'm hoping to at least get 1 out of that, then I'll just try to keep these alive until we move. I was looking at grow tents last night, if I get some extra money I'll probably order one and just set it up in the bedroom


Well-Known Member
hey man congrats on the HPs finally huh? lol well they ought to take to that well. can't wait to see if this clone turns around for ya.
I'm sure it will. Natty's right i hear i's personal preference about the taproot aiming down and it will always grow down no matter what but. I personally tried to have all mine facing down to try to make it easier on the seed ya know. but what ev bro as long as it works right!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully we get some more action in the next couple of days. That clone, and several others from that crop, were not in good shape, that's probably why I got it for free. I don't mind all these mistakes for now since this is just a practice run, now that I have the most important thing, the light, I can do the next one correctly from the start


Well-Known Member
Also, I'm not sure of your gemination method, but i use the trusty old wet paper towel in the cabinet. Seemed to work good on all the seeds i planted, also i waited till the taproot wal almost 2 inches long before i put them in soil. I'm sure you dont have to wait that long, but at least you know what you are planting, lol.