First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
Use a good rooting hormone, I recommend superthrive, you can get it from walmart for $10. Small brown bottle, very concentrated, use it for germinating (ohh yes!!), rooting, cloning, transplanting, & watering.


Well-Known Member
I just transplanted my two root bound mids into FF Ocean Mix. I also took my 2 BBxPH females that just got done flowering and put them back under 18/6. I'm hoping to re-veg so that I can get some clones off them. I repotted them into 3 gallon instead of the 2 gallon that they were in and since they are fully established, I used the MG that I bought and then couldnt use for my younger ones. I can't seem to keep my room cool enough though, except at night. I have had to add more lights because I put the two BBxPH hybrids in there too. Also, how long after I plant the rockwool into the dirt should I start feeding nutrients? Will the leaves start to turn light green and tell me it needs em? Also, what do I do if my plants r nice n green, but the bottom nodes keep turning yellow and then dying. Is this burn of some sort?
Give your roots 5 days or so to establish themselves with a rooting hormone like superthrive & then you can feed at 1/4-1/2 strength depending on the size of the plant. It's not burn. You just need higher nitrogen content to battle the yellowing of older fan leaves. Autos especially seem to need more nitrogen. Something like organic 5-3-3 or even a total booster for flowering like 4-12-0. Doesn't have to be those exact ratios but you get the idea. If the tips of the new growth turn a little bit white or brownish-white then you over fed them & you can back off the nutes. Just pay attention to your plants & they will love you. Keep in mind also that autos start flowering after 3-4 weeks regardless of light cycle, so you will need extra phosporus as well even if your other plants aren't ready to take flowering nutes. Blood meal is a good source. Try Espoma. It does work. It's cheap, organic, & you can get it at lowe's, home depot, & sometimes walmart.


Active Member
Thanks for stoppin in rombomb, and thanks for the input. They definitely are lookin better now. If I can get my caregiver off the video game, we are going to start flowering the first mid today; she is up to just over 12 inches tall.

I cut a clone yesterday off the WW, dipped it in rooting powder, stuck it in the rockwool, sprayed it with wilt spray and put it right into the bubbler. It is a little warm in my room right now, so I don't know if it will make it or not. It's lookin super droopy. If she dies I guess I will have to figure out a different way, maybe build my own clone box...That's why I only did one though. I also transplanted my WW into a 4 gallon pot; this is where she will spend the rest of her life.

I'm waiting for the ppm meter I ordered off E-bay to arrive before I get going good with the bubbleponics. I have it up and runnin with one little skunk in it just to test it out. I'm keepin an eye on the pH, to see if I am going to have problems with it not staying steady.

I'll probably do pics again on Monday, so I hope u will stop back and check em out again!


Active Member
Well, we finished the flowering room and put the big mid into flower today at exactly 13 inches tall! It is under 2 23 watt 2700K cfls with 3 more 2700K 23 watters for side lighting, and one cfl with a kelvin rating of 5000, but its only in there for extra lumens cuz it a a bigger bulb (150 watt equiv). We changed around our exhaust setup in the flowering room too, so I'm hoping the temps will drop in there and stay a little lower.

The clone I cut yesterday is still looking droopy, but the main stem is still standing up straight, it is just the leaves that are drooping and dying. I'm hoping that since the main stalk is still strong that it is going to make it.

The skunk that I have in the bubbler is still alive, so I guess the net pot and the hydroten is getting wet enough. I don't think it would have survived 2 days in the bubbler if it wasn't, it's not very old, only has one set of leaves.

The temp in my rez is a little high but I'm hoping that will level out with my room temp. I have some bottles freezing to drop in tomorrow if the temp doesn't drop on its own.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: It's even more valuable in a hydroponic system & for cloning. & Honestly for your clone I think you want the temps & humidity a little higher. You might even want to consider cutting off the tips of the fan leaves so the plant has less to worry about "saving" as it is trying to survive & grow a root. I don't really do cloning myself at the moment but a friend of mine used to swear by putting 100% vermiculite in party cups with holes in them in a little humidity dome reservoir with nothing but that superthrive in the water. He had a 90%+ cloning rate that way. Either way, good job trying to hang on to good genetics. I've got a white widow in my room now & I'm planning on introducing a few more. Stop by my thread & check it out. bongsmilie

& forgive me if I read past it last night & I don't remember but did you top your plant?


Active Member
:mrgreen: It's even more valuable in a hydroponic system & for cloning. & Honestly for your clone I think you want the temps & humidity a little higher. You might even want to consider cutting off the tips of the fan leaves so the plant has less to worry about "saving" as it is trying to survive & grow a root. I don't really do cloning myself at the moment but a friend of mine used to swear by putting 100% vermiculite in party cups with holes in them in a little humidity dome reservoir with nothing but that superthrive in the water. He had a 90%+ cloning rate that way. Either way, good job trying to hang on to good genetics. I've got a white widow in my room now & I'm planning on introducing a few more. Stop by my thread & check it out. bongsmilie

& forgive me if I read past it last night & I don't remember but did you top your plant?
I am using a rooting compound, but its not superthrive. I don't remember right now what brand, but it came with my hydro nutrients. The mid that just went into flower has not been topped, but the mid that will go into flower in about a week has been topped. I wanted to compare the two.
I also did take all the crappy lookin leaves off so that it can concentrate on roots and then new growth. The main stem still looks strong this morning, so I'm gonna keep on hopin!


Well-Known Member
Good luck on the flowering, lets hope it's a female :) Sounds like you have a lot going on all at the same time, I hope it all turns out well, and i'm excited to see all your ladies grow some nice big buds!


Well-Known Member
I am using a rooting compound, but its not superthrive. I don't remember right now what brand, but it came with my hydro nutrients. The mid that just went into flower has not been topped, but the mid that will go into flower in about a week has been topped. I wanted to compare the two.
I also did take all the crappy lookin leaves off so that it can concentrate on roots and then new growth. The main stem still looks strong this morning, so I'm gonna keep on hopin!
Ya I'm no cloning expert just my two cents in what I've seen done with success. For some reason I was having problems posting my grow in my signature. Let's see if it works...



Well-Known Member
Hey there D2G, So i just saw that a cutting that I ahd set to clone about 2 weeks ago, just started growing roots today, so it can take awhile, just be patient, I was ready to toss it out today, cause I thought the cloning solution didn't take. But it looks like i spoke too soon after I saw that it was working.


Active Member
Hey there D2G, So i just saw that a cutting that I ahd set to clone about 2 weeks ago, just started growing roots today, so it can take awhile, just be patient, I was ready to toss it out today, cause I thought the cloning solution didn't take. But it looks like i spoke too soon after I saw that it was working.
Hey Bill! I know they can take forever, I'm just impatient LOL. The original WW clone was taken off a mother plant 3 weeks into flower, so I had to wait like 2 or 3 weeks for that little sucker to take off! I think it's going to be just fine, the main stem still isn't drooping. In fact, the top growth may be growing a little, or maybe its just wishful thinking LOL.

I'm goin out to take some pics now, so I'll be back in awhile...


Active Member
I think I labeled them all pretty well, but there are some details. I'm so glad the skunk finally took off and is doin something! It's still only about 4 inches tall, but it's grown 2 of those inches over the last week or so. :mrgreen:

The skunk I had in the bubbler died, I'm really not sure why, but I think it was a combination of the already warm room and having the bulb to close to it. The pic of the bubbler is with the other 2 SS seedlings that I had going on the right, and my WW clones on the left. The closest one is the one that I wasn't sure was gonna make it, but I took off all the dead leaves and it looks alot better. The clone in the back I just cut today. I am going to put another one in, but had to soak another cube first. Rez temp is still a little high I think (it's at about 78 degrees) but I have a chiller goin so we will see how well it works. The pH is still fluxing, but not as bad as before, I think I can keep it under control just be adding water with a lower pH than suggested when I fill. I think that will even it out alright.

The mid that I topped is still in veg, I'm going to put it into flower one week behind the other one; I felt like it needed a little more growth time.

HORRIBLE NEWS!! I found spider mites on one of my autos :shock: :cuss:
BETTER NEWS! I can't find any evidence of spider mites on any of the other plants. I check them every day and when I found them I moved it outside immediately and then soaked EVERYTHING with insecticidal soap. Almost to the point of drowning them LOL. After I did that I noticed spots showing up on the leaves of my widow and my skunk. I did some research and the best I can figure is it is from the's also responsible for the yellowing of the hairs on my female auto, but if it worked I'll deal with some spots.

Comments, questions, or just bullshittin in general is always encouraged here!


Active Member
I went and looked at the auto that I moved outside and its got a new set of leaves, good sized ones too. There is no sign of spider mites at all now. The new leaves don't have spots and there are no webs yet. I think I may have nipped it in the bud on time!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I went and looked at the auto that I moved outside and its got a new set of leaves, good sized ones too. There is no sign of spider mites at all now. The new leaves don't have spots and there are no webs yet. I think I may have nipped it in the bud on time!:mrgreen:
I hope you just used a basic diluted neem oil solution & not some goofy chemical? The solution should smell like organic peanut butter. :P I hope you got everything under control cuz your plants are really starting to look good.


Well-Known Member
Hey D2G glad to hear you nipped those mites in the ass befor they could do any real damage. The ladies are looking great, Sorry to hear about that skunk tho. Got a lot going on and things are looking real pretty keep up the good work.


Active Member
I hope you just used a basic diluted neem oil solution & not some goofy chemical? The solution should smell like organic peanut butter. :P I hope you got everything under control cuz your plants are really starting to look good.
I'm not really sure what it was...I got it from a grower friend of mine. He said it was organic. It did kinda smell like peanut butter, but I was thinkin it smelled more like peanut M&M's LOL.


Active Member
Hey D2G glad to hear you nipped those mites in the ass befor they could do any real damage. The ladies are looking great, Sorry to hear about that skunk tho. Got a lot going on and things are looking real pretty keep up the good work.
Thanks alot MK, I know I took on alot at once, especially with startin the bubbleponics system. But I figure the only way to do it right is to try, even if I fuck up I'll figure it all out eventually. Thanks for your condolences, we had a service for the little girl today LOL.

On another note...the 2nd WW clone is lookin all droopy and fucked up, but I'm not worried yet cuz the other one looked like that for a minute too.