The beans were harvested from my first attempt and ;prior to that I originally gathered a bunch from well,,,,, let's just say there from a vessel where there really shouldn't have been any, if not a couple. Unsure if the intent to pass out the genetics was there, or If somebody pissed off their crop. Enough about the= GWS beans I've obtained. Although I do know thaŕt the plant in which the beans is quite near a Feminized tree.
I have yet to have 1.male out of 8 total both attempts. Last year's was a fair effort and accepted what I was able to enjoy which did last me up until TBD but soon. Ok So i have many years of growing tomatoes and dahlias with great successes behind me and had always planned on taking up cannabis when i fealt that I was knowledgeable of development and prooer plant care ifbthise similar to our little green friends of which we gather for. So long story short, I scored some beaners out of a buddies acquisition and I enjoyed the smoke and i benefited from it relieving some of my ailments. My personal life wouldn't be in the way and I had some room to play. These are pics if my (2nd)current attempt. I have done what I could for online research, and both time I have followed the approaches of lollipopping and supercropping together, atleast that's what I think I've done. The one thing that I've had trouble with both times is identifying the switch I over to flower. I thought this time I would met nature do it's thing outdoors and figured that sometime during the last week if September I could mark it on the calendar. Keep in mind that these girls have been inside and outside back and forth and stressed some I'm sure. I fought with aphids and cleared up some nitro burn through the 2 and 3rd month. Guess im wondering if impossibly stressed them into flower by moving the. So much. They moved 5 times a day outdoor following the mist intense sunlight and got rotated frequently indoors. By account I fugured that they should be entering their 3rd week, but by appearance and research they show signs if being into their 5th week?? It happens fast . Is anybody able to give me some insight on where they stand by appearance, and is there anything that I could have ,or should have done differently? Again by appearnce at this point. Other than getting to the point... thanks for any insight, input is welcome and will go into the counter reference pile.
I have yet to have 1.male out of 8 total both attempts. Last year's was a fair effort and accepted what I was able to enjoy which did last me up until TBD but soon. Ok So i have many years of growing tomatoes and dahlias with great successes behind me and had always planned on taking up cannabis when i fealt that I was knowledgeable of development and prooer plant care ifbthise similar to our little green friends of which we gather for. So long story short, I scored some beaners out of a buddies acquisition and I enjoyed the smoke and i benefited from it relieving some of my ailments. My personal life wouldn't be in the way and I had some room to play. These are pics if my (2nd)current attempt. I have done what I could for online research, and both time I have followed the approaches of lollipopping and supercropping together, atleast that's what I think I've done. The one thing that I've had trouble with both times is identifying the switch I over to flower. I thought this time I would met nature do it's thing outdoors and figured that sometime during the last week if September I could mark it on the calendar. Keep in mind that these girls have been inside and outside back and forth and stressed some I'm sure. I fought with aphids and cleared up some nitro burn through the 2 and 3rd month. Guess im wondering if impossibly stressed them into flower by moving the. So much. They moved 5 times a day outdoor following the mist intense sunlight and got rotated frequently indoors. By account I fugured that they should be entering their 3rd week, but by appearance and research they show signs if being into their 5th week?? It happens fast . Is anybody able to give me some insight on where they stand by appearance, and is there anything that I could have ,or should have done differently? Again by appearnce at this point. Other than getting to the point... thanks for any insight, input is welcome and will go into the counter reference pile.