[urgent] Transplanting during flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hi all :leaf: I recently acquired two afghans in their second week of flowering that are in desperate need of a bigger container. (Roots are even popping through the top lol).

The plant is in great shape with a thick stem and luscious leaves, the only downfall is the pot. (I have never had an issue like this before).

I need to know whether it is okay to transplant into a larger pot and if so how should I go about doing it without stressing the plant.



Well-Known Member
just do it, do not worry. One piece of advice is be careful a plant with a root ball is like a barbell with weight on one end only. It can be awkward.I am sure u will be careful. Just prepare the next soil and then put some in the pot, pull out the plant and put it in the new pot then fill in with new dirt.


New Member
u can do it ,no prob
when u take it out and see that its all rootbound,take a razor and slit about 4 slits (up and down) around roots to inhibit more root growth
good luck with ur grow