Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
day #2 no rain and my vanill kush is loving it grown about 3 inch from monday night
and i know the days are getting shorter but would it be worth it to plant my pineapple chunk and my cole train
will they still get about 12 or 15 inch before they flower


Well-Known Member
I have done a "window grow" years ago. I used a window with southern exposure, and turned the plants several times daily. I had 4 plants from bag seed. Like you, I was desperate to grow some just for the fun of it. I actually managed to get buds from my one female that I ended up with, nothing huge, probably 7 grams total, but it was fun anyway, and I got to smoke my first "homegrown".


Well-Known Member
Seems like doing it in a window sill is even riskier then a gurilla grow, i mean if you do it gurilla style then if someone finds the plants, you might loose them, if your doing a sill grow, and someone finds the plants, you might loose your house... not worth it for even a trail run IMO, good luck though, sorry I'm not any help, I've got 2500+ invest in two plants right now.... because its worth it to me to do it right the first time... it's all exp and better buds from here on out now that I've made the initial investment.... :peace:


Well-Known Member
Pics weren't working for my last post. Let me try this again. These are my 2 babys and they are on their 11th day. How do they look?



Active Member
Pics weren't working for my last post. Let me try this again. These are my 2 babys and they are on their 11th day. How do they look?

View attachment 1008770View attachment 1008768View attachment 1008769
A heck of a lot better than mine at 12 days!

This is my girl early this morning.


I think I had WAY too much heat going on though. I was reading 87 with no lights on after about an hour into her dark period today. From what I'm reading, that's way too hot. I moved her into an AC'd room and she's down to about 75-77.


Well-Known Member
A heck of a lot better than mine at 12 days!

This is my girl early this morning.

View attachment 1008783

I think I had WAY too much heat going on though. I was reading 87 with no lights on after about an hour into her dark period today. From what I'm reading, that's way too hot. I moved her into an AC'd room and she's down to about 75-77.
I have mine in my backyard/patio and It's been getting up to 95 for a high. As long as they are watered frequently they are fine even though it's fucking hot. I'm also using 8-4-4 plant food, half strength every three waterings, water, water, food, water, water, food, etc... The weak nutes are to compinsate for the frequent waterings do to evaporation, because it gets so fucking hot outside!


Active Member
hey pureblood im having same problems its so hot out under direct sun my 3 plants are just not flowering maybe to much heat stress i been growing these sincebegining of march and they still have not flowered I heard it has something to do with solstice right now longer days but i dont know it seems if i leave them in direct sun i have to water them everyday or they just start drooping over also i live in tampa florida what would be a good strain to grow outdoors here even though my next grow is going to be in indoors any florida growers out there any suggestions what strain does well in florida weather thanks!


Well-Known Member
hey pureblood im having same problems its so hot out under direct sun my 3 plants are just not flowering maybe to much heat stress i been growing these sincebegining of march and they still have not flowered I heard it has something to do with solstice right now longer days but i dont know it seems if i leave them in direct sun i have to water them everyday or they just start drooping over also i live in tampa florida what would be a good strain to grow outdoors here even though my next grow is going to be in indoors any florida growers out there any suggestions what strain does well in florida weather thanks!
I would recommend something sativa dominant, they tend to grow much better in the hot and humid climates, like Florida. Indicas do much better indoors in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if you guys that are growing outside are taking your plants in after twelve hours of sunlight and putting them somewhere dark or not, but I wouldn't be expecting any flowers anytime soon, this week we saw the longest day of the year so that means that the plants are getting as much sun as nature can possibly provide right now outdoors. But if your trying to induce flowering now is certainly the worst time to try it outside, God has Florida in full veg right now :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, make sure if you go sativa, that you conceal it well and top or pinch that shit, you could LST but that is a little complicated for a newer grower


Active Member
so what type of sativas do good in florida that you guys have grown would it be just a good idea to bring them in after twelve hours into a dark room that i have to induce flowering ?


Well-Known Member
so what type of sativas do good in florida that you guys have grown would it be just a good idea to bring them in after twelve hours into a dark room that i have to induce flowering ?
Haze or Gold strains are perfect for our climate, don't induce flowering indoors at this point, daylight hours are reducing, they will flower within a couple months outdoors. Just watch it, water it, feed it and love it and you will have a beautiful plant.


Active Member
its just been growing since march it has little white hairs theres 3 of them all girls there just stagnant not growing just dormant i guess untill the days get shorter ??? would super lemon haze be a good plant here i heard kaya gold or himalaya gold is a good strain too no ??? its just funny because i planted all together 10 back in march 3 of them flowered but i think they were not finished because the days got longer i think they tried to reveg but yeah i cut them down early ..... but anyway how long should it take for daylight to get shorter ? a couple months one or 2 3 ?


Well-Known Member
and when is floridas best period of time or month to flower outside
Florida is weird in my experiences outdoors, things will fruit/flower long after they normally would in other climates because the weather doesn't get cold enough (usually Last winter was a bitch!) to kill anything off. Think of it this way surge, plants flower because of Gods infinite wisdom, or - the seasons; in the fall the days get shorter and the sun hits the earth in a way that we get a different spectrum of light from it (it has more orange and red in it as apposed to more blue and green in the summer months) and this is what makes the plants essentially say: 'Ahh snap, cold weather is comin on, I better reproduce while I still can!'
That's why when growing indoors the ideal way to flower your plants is to switch to a high pressure sodium bulb (with more red in it) and switch the timer on your lights to go on for 12 hours then off for 12 hours.... your just tricking the plants to think it's fall and time to do what God designed them to do in that particular situation. Freakin Neat huu!?!?


Active Member
one of them is the picture in my avatar shes huge !!! not growing anymore just dormant i guess till daylight days get shorter ????


Well-Known Member
Anyway; to more directly answer your question, any of the fall months are best for flowering outdoors... just in case you didn't get that from all my jibba jabba


Well-Known Member
and when is floridas best period of time or month to flower outside
early april - early july to plant, as long as you don't plant it so early that it induces flowering right away it should be fine, if you plant it too late the photo period will be diminished and won't produce as much yeild.