Porch-bound Master Kush


Hopefully that worked. The first is a pic of the Master Kush, and the second pic is of the Shiva plant. Both are beginning to get sticky stems and smell strongly.



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
OH YEAH.. That worked. Pretty girls you got there.

Now back when you took the pics asking about the little green nubs. Did they turn out to be Limbs/branches or pre flowers????


They didn't actually turn into anything... There are still little green nubs at each branch junction, as well as spurs. I guess the nubs are some random pointless growth.


Yeah, I don't think those were preflowers bro. Nice to see a fellow balcony grower =P

Porch growing is where it's at (when you don't have a proper yard). I just hope no one steals my plants... Has anyone seen them growing at your place and given any trouble?


A quick update: My plants have finally gotten as big as they can before I need to trim them back again, but I have reached my maximum number of plants as described by the California law. Should I just throw away the clippings and not make clones of the, or is there a third option that I don't know about?




So, it's getting closer to harvest, I have flowers all over the place, but I've never done the drying and curing before.
Has anyone got an idea of how much these plants would yield? They are about 1 cubic meter each, maybe slightly more, and there are three of them.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
lol SB Garlic was thinkin it was Gov regulations huh, lol, Nah, Wifey regulations all the way.


At the suggestion of my weed man, I have started feeding the plants Bud Candy and some other stuff. Here is a picture of all the nutrients I have used thus far:



And here is my "control" plant, in which I began flowering indoors and is a clone of one of the ones that began flowering outdoors a few weeks later. I'd say it's 6 weeks into flowering, and the main plants are 2-3 weeks into flowering.

It has had no fertilizer and looks like this:


Well-Known Member
Plants can show sex within a few days of being put outside in fall. Mine all showed within 3-5 days. A week at most to be really sure.

What's weird is I have some on 18/6 showing preflowers pistils and they're only a month old. Though I have them outside for most of the day.

edit: woops I didn't know this thread was that old. Nice flowering plants.

I can't believe they're so big, WTF?
what kinda lights did you veg them under? Are they still only getting 4 hours light?

The buds look pretty big for only 3 weeks flowering... but I guess they ripen faster with less light