HoLE's 3rd Grow


Well-Known Member
thanks hole came into a little problem but all fixed up i hope. you drinking any beers tonight im about to go get some lol.


Well-Known Member
totally man....wow....68days (in total right?) ....ok....I haven't been paying attenion at all - ok...so I'm paying attention, just to the wrong things...like...do I need more beer? pass the frickin beer man! anywho...i'm at 48 days....so its actually like 20 days difference....my how time flies when ur having fun! hahahahaha....thanks for your patience with the ole man I am.... :peace:.
ohhhhhh,,,now you wanna know how old my uggin fugly plants are,,huhhhh?,,,,lmao,,they are 68 days old today my elder,,,HoLE thinks tahoe may be catching a slight case of Beerzhaimers from too many wobbilypops this Holiday season:hump::mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
thanks hole came into a little problem but all fixed up i hope. you drinking any beers tonight im about to go get some lol.
cheers man,,chat me up later when yur drunk,,lol,,I'll understand you better,,lol:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
totally man....wow....68days (in total right?) ....ok....I haven't been paying attenion at all - ok...so I'm paying attention, just to the wrong things...like...do I need more beer? pass the frickin beer man! anywho...i'm at 48 days....so its actually like 20 days difference....my how time flies when ur having fun! hahahahaha....thanks for your patience with the ole man I am.... :peace:.
yes you ole fart,,lol,,j/k man,,uh huh,,68 days above dirt,,on 12-12 lighting for 33 days,,flowering for 26 days,,write this down ,,and I won't have to tell you again,,jeeeeezuzzzz,,ole people:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
sorry can't hold a pen any longer....the shaking usually just sends it flying across the room....and the bird gets scared....thinking I'm firing missles at him or sumthin....even this typing is a bear.....f*ck I really don't like gitin ole....hahahahahahaha ...... I have an idea....I'll put up twenty empty beer bottles on the mantle, and then maybe I'll remember thats how many days separate our gros.....hahahahaha.....that is until the bird knocks them over and I have to ask again....:roll:

yes you ole fart,,lol,,j/k man,,uh huh,,68 days above dirt,,on 12-12 lighting for 33 days,,flowering for 26 days,,write this down ,,and I won't have to tell you again,,jeeeeezuzzzz,,ole people:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
sorry can't hold a pen any longer....the shaking usually just sends it flying across the room....and the bird gets scared....thinking I'm firing missles at him or sumthin....even this typing is a bear.....f*ck I really don't like gitin ole....hahahahahahaha ...... I have an idea....I'll put up twenty empty beer bottles on the mantle, and then maybe I'll remember thats how many days separate our gros.....hahahahaha.....that is until the bird knocks them over and I have to ask again....:roll:
ROFLMAO,,,HAHAHAHA,,hey,,I don't care what anyone here says,,I think yur alright ole man ;-))

Keep on Growin


PS try just puttin the caps or can tabs there,,harder for the bird to knock over,,but if it does,,I'll be here


Well-Known Member
hahahaha....good choice of option.....I could always lease another brain...but I hear interest rates are going up......don't wanna put a dent in my gro budget!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Happy Holidays Hole, :mrgreen::peace:
Your plants are looking great. Woot woot. So when is the estimated harvest date you think? :mrgreen:

here are some 3 and a half week flowering shots,both plants left are doing pretty good,,last night they got there nutes plus Carbo-Load and Dr.Hornby's Big Bud,,both from Advanced Nutrients,,if anyone seen the chart I posted in tahoe's thread for the feed schedule,,I plan on having all those listed for my new cfl grow called The Garden of Even,,and will work on the pre-quel to those nutes along the way,,but I do see big differences in my first and second grow to this one,,this time,,I actually got crystals showin:hump:,,lol,,hope everyone hadda good Christmas and is all ready for New Years,,I started getting ready for it tonight,,HoLE raises his beer,,cheers everyone:mrgreen::twisted::blsmoke:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Happy Holidays Hole, :mrgreen::peace:
Your plants are looking great. Woot woot. So when is the estimated harvest date you think? :mrgreen:
Chiceh,,baby,,come back,,are you busy smokin that PPP ,,thxs for stoppin in sweety,,it's almost 4 weeks flowertime,,so I'm hoping around the end of January:hump:,,hope you had a good Christmas,,and have an even better New Year,,talk soon

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
hey HoLE.....now what was that again....hmmmmm....sh*t....oh yea.....I have the banana leaves all lined up.....and they were to represent the square root of the phi factor f*ckup....hmmm...20 days thats right...i knew this would work for me....thanks HoLE.....nutha woobblliieepop please!.......eh ok eh....pass them smokes ya hoser!


Well-Known Member
hey HoLE.....now what was that again....hmmmmm....sh*t....oh yea.....I have the banana leaves all lined up.....and they were to represent the square root of the phi factor f*ckup....hmmm...20 days thats right...i knew this would work for me....thanks HoLE.....nutha woobblliieepop please!.......eh ok eh....pass them smokes ya hoser!
hahaha,,and I thought I was the only jack-ass trapped in a man's body,,rofl,,hahahaha,,ok eh,,ya hoser,,since ya got me good eh,,I'm gonna like,,bless you,,with like,,some pics of tonight eh,,cuz like,,there's like frost on my plant eh,,it's so cold in The Great White North ,,that frost can like,,even get on yur plants,,in yur closet eh,,no kiddin eh,,this should hose ya good ,,eh,,lol,,look at like,,the camera skills eh,,no wobble

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
thats not like friggin' frosting doug...thats your like friggin' grandma's dandruff....she's bin poking around.....looking for suma that chit....you keep hiding from her.....like f*ck eh.....be the helpful hand this frickin' holiday season eh...and frickin' loosen up the purse strings on that thar stash of yours eh! ahyhooo....luv your picsd...no wobbie for sure.....have another brown pop for me eh, and like hose off man!


Well-Known Member
thxs bwinn,,it's actually 2 plants,,both about 20 - 22 inches ,,both topped,,finnally showin some crystals on the thing,,also,,at almost 4 weeks flowering,,I have my first few pistils changing colour tonight,,my best 2 yet,,can't wait to try them:hump:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
the girls are 72 days old today,,flowering for 30 days,,,they fukkin reek now,,only time you don't smell them is when I'm burnin one,,I'm sure they will be thirsty tonight as I was supposed to water last night but I got shitfaced,,and it slipped my mind,,,lol,,beerzhaimers!All comments welcome

Keep on Growin


