leaf problems

i water when my plant is dry i hav the lights going on 24 hours a day and it gets dry so i water 1 tim a day should i chang that


Well-Known Member
over watering? I say it is getting burned from high nutes in the grow medium..flush that puppy out!
i found out that i got mg deficiance i need to know how many times to water my plant with epsom salt water. water in soil or on leaves


Active Member
curling down is a sign of over watering my buddys are doin the same thing by the sounds of it and he was soakinn his ............. and curled up is too close to the light or heat stress


Active Member
notice how he said (first leafs) they always die, thats normal. Hope your grow is successful!

Miracle grow sucks, get a new nute

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Without pictures for confirmation, I thought it best to rely on the meager info. given in the original post to form an opinion. Since the poster mentioned that the "first leaves have a light

green pigment" it is very likely that these are embryonic leaves (cotyledons) and it is normal for these to wither and drop off. At 2 weeks old, It is highly unlikely that the plant is any-

where near mature enough to be showing any indication of a micro-nutrient deficiency such as Mg. My best "suggestment" would be to read as much information as possible contained

within the stickies of the newb section.