Produce weed in 43 days

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An equinox happens each year at two specific moments in time (rather than two whole days), when there is a location on the Earth's equator where the centre of the Sun can be observed to be vertically overhead, occurring around March 20/21 and September 22/23 each year.

My friend you are all to correct, you get to have it for two years and then I'll take it back. Better yet, why don't we share it with everyone.

Lot of people with their undies in a bunch, anyone actually use this stuff?
proffecer marijuana i cant say im very important but im trying to grow i had a seedling and i put it in mg and it died im using a fleurecent bulb now and also am doing as much research as possible also it seems like ur one lucky man i suppose u deserve what u have tho im a computer tecknition and im 17 and im trying to weed lol i figure since computers are the way of the future i should choose it for a job and im good at it by the way i hope u copyed that large post man cause it sounded like u had it memorised
I say we all need to give proffecer marijuana a bit more respect here ! ... Guys ... This forum is normaly very respectful of others wisdom ...Give the Prof the same respect and at least allow him to be welcome here :peace:

Prof ... Welcome to RIU ....As you can see .. Wild claims without any back up are met with bullshit flags .... But if you have been growing for 43 years... that would tell me your an old timer ...and for that alone your due Respect from the likes of me :)

I hope you can help some of us with your knowlage and i can asure you ... on my part it would greatly be appriciated :)

Again , Welcome to RIU ... Hope you stick around :)

None of us are very important when you look at the big picture, and yet all very important in the small picture. Stick with Computers to make a living and do the herb as a love, those who grow ownly for money don't seem to do so well at it, it also takes heart.

Put you're seedlings under T5 Flor's and prop them up with a paperclip that you straighten out. They'll chase the light if there isn't enough PAR value (that's the light spectrum the plant actualy sees).

Keep trying and find somebody that's done it before for some hands on advice. The "indoor growers bible" is probably your best bet for sound advice on indoor growing that's in print or online. Just keep trying and if you don't have luck inside start some outdoors, it's easier if you're new at the game. RapidRooters are a good way to start them, you can always bring them indoors after they get going.

Hope that helps you out, let me know if you need some additional advice. Keep with the computers, education equals freedom.

Good Luck
All it takes is a little kindness folks.
"When the power of love is greater than the love of power, the world will know peace" Rock on Jimi
i will be doing computers along time but i also need to tell u i have no idea what seeds im putting in the soil there just random ones because i didnt see the plant it came from nor know its name its a problem professor i hope one day ill get the respect u do till then i hope ppl like u will help me
A note to professor marijuana: When trying to make a point about other people having an ego, it's probably best to not bring up all your "achievements".
i have a 42 day ak47 strain. i veg for a wk and flower for 6. im not sure y anyone has a problem with a 50ish day harvest. its quite possible and common
i agree bigby!! Marijuana is a wonderful gift to us from JAH. This herb ws meant to OPEN the mind and heart, and UNITE us all. With all of everyones fighting and arguing, how is this supposed to be accomplished? You should all be ashamed. Grow your own way! Or if information is needed, i agree that it should be free as well! SHARE THE LOVE, don't profit off of it. Share your minds with each other, learn from each other, respect each other. Sadly, i have seen barely any respect for our fellow mans opinions on this thread.
Put you're seedlings under T5 Flor's and prop them up with a paperclip that you straighten out. They'll chase the light if there isn't enough PAR value (that's the light spectrum the plant actualy sees).

Why not just put the lights close enough to stop the stretch?

How about making them do a loop-the-loop?

ima try that on my next grow... what about when the plant gets older though? When the stem starts to get thicker and whatnot, will it pullit back out of the soil?
ima try that on my next grow... what about when the plant gets older though? When the stem starts to get thicker and whatnot, will it pullit back out of the soil?

give me a few minutes... those pix were taken a couple weeks ago. My lights come on in a few minutes and i'll take a pic. I have a weak CFL veg area and i can never be bothered to move the lights. I used to just let the seedlings stretch and fall over... i'd give them no support and they'd grow just fine. So this time i decided to play with them a little. I was going to try and corkscrew one of the stems, but at the end of the day i'm just a lazy stoner, so i didn't get around to it and just left them like that.
lolz cool! hey, growin em like that and just lettin em fall and grow from there is what they'd naturally do anyway, so theyll probbably grow better that way. ( since its just like nature). Cant wait to see how they look now! this is somethin people should definitely look into.
This pic is a group shot... ignore the plants on the left as they are mother plants belonging to 8 different strains. So just concentrate on the seed plants to the right. There are 4 different strains there too so there will be quite a bit of variation.

This next plant i put some effort into keeping twisted.. and i suppose you could call it a half-assed corkscrew.

And this one i put a little too much effort into forcing it to my will. I'd much prefer to see smooth twists but you can see i went a little too far with this one. There is a harsh bend in the stem, but the plant will still grow so no real loss.

This one just wouldn't do as it was told. This is actually a Lambsbreath x BC Big Bud plant, and all of these are very strong growers.
very nice man, very nice. so what are you usin for lights?

Just those CFL's for veg'. I'm mostly a clone grower so it's usually all i need. as you can see i'm fairly abusive to seed plants. Those seed plants are in 4" pots and i will keep them in those pots all the way till harvest. My main grow comes from a 600w SoG, and I have another 600w light that i use for flowering seed plants at the moment... i got a lot of cool beans to grow.
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