Produce weed in 43 days

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imo you should unsubscribe from this thread and start your new journal. i also wouldnt welcome comment or criticism, just post your journal and thats that. i for one would like to see it and im sure many others as well.
Funny thing rzza, almost all the info for growing like I do has been posted here but unless it's laid out point by point it seems to be to much effort. It is angering when you have worked hard to advance this area and have tried to help so many for so long just to be slammed. The vast majority have done zip to educate themselves on my work or doings but feel qualified to call me a liar or spammer or money gruber. I don't lie, could give a shit about getting folks to my site, it's there as a support vehicle for my seminar tour coming up, and I was quite wealthy before I could buy beer. money meens nothing. really just like helping, I'm blown away by this.

And Fdd, just for you I'll hang a bit longer, soon I'll be to biusy for this crap and will leave you to your old school ways of growing. Folks should have sucked me dry of info, your loss. I've made every frickin mistake and know my shit better than most, would have been a hell of a resource, to bad.
I have tried numerous times to get any kind of info out of you, seems like the only posts you reply to are the negative ones? Have been waiting for info, waiting for the "video" with nothing yet...
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