couple of noob questions!


Active Member
Hey guys, been on the site for some time now, after some trial and error and have some clones that are a month old *8 of them* I have a few questions that I need answered!
1. What neuts should I be using for the plants that I am going to be flowering? I have seen people say 5/15/15 stuff but I was more wondering of like examples. of what I can buy
2. Right now I am using just my garage for the plants, no seculded box or anything, pretty ghetto atm, How much room will I need for 8 fully grown plants, side note, i have a 1000w HPS for em*
3. with the 1000w, do I really *when I finally get them ready* need to put up mylar and such on the walls?

Thank you for taking the time to look at my scrub nub quetions!


Well-Known Member
Spending all that money On electricity bill might as well get mylar so not to waste any lights. 8 plants????? what size pots?? what strains? sativas usually need less space on the sides but more in height. since I grow in 5 gallon pots I leave about 1.5 sq ft per plant+ space to walk around to water or maybe for some fans. Nutes??? Look up any advanced nutrients or fox farm they have easy schedules to follow and work pretty good if U don't wanna mix bunch of stuff. Hope it helped


Active Member
the pots are still pretty small 1/2 gallons, they are about a month and half old, probully stand at about a foot tall give or take an inch, once they get a little bigger I will put them into 1gallons then into 5gallon buckets.

that is my plan at least, still need to do alot of research on here to figure out how I want to do this =)


Well-Known Member
I have been hearing alot about this neut called Bud Candy, know anything about it? might just try that
Yeah as I said b4 most advanced nutes are really good, Never tried bud candy in my grows but I've heared good thing too. Why from 1/2 to 1 then to 5 gallon????? Marijuana plants are not like orchids, they are much hardier and transplanting has minimal effect(as far as stress on the plant) But every time u transplant u have to wait a week or 2 b4 u feed them any fertilizers or u may stress the roots. So that being said every transplant puts u behind schedule a few days(U can't do exactly what the fertilizer schedule wants u to do).So I say, If you have the space, always go with 5 gallon pots. Thats the best for the plant plus, less work for u, and u never wanna wait till u have root bounds then transplant as U slow the growth drastically.