Yeah that was a great detailed reply. HaHa, yeah I'm lazy, sometimes I forget how someone new to this needs a more detailed explanation on things and how much it helps being able to see the actual product and where to find it. +rep
The other thing is that you won't really know how all this will work together until you get it up and running. If you add a/c then you have additional problems with odor escaping due to the compressor not being sealed, then with the a/c you will have a negative pressure issue because they suck out a lot of air (negative pressure is a good thing as long as you know where the air is coming from). Lots of little things you will need to work out, but hey that's the fun part!
Almost forgot here's a place to get good inexpensive carbon filters.
Here's the in line fan I use on my 1000, it works great just be sure to mount any fan by hanging from bungee cords or it will vibrate and make noise like crazy.