Rusty's 1200w "Amsterdam Bubblegum" Hydro/DWC

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member

I'm having a rain day. I moved the light up to 1m, cut the fan and have been misting every 30 mins or so. Some of the plants were showing a mild mag def so I've treating it through foliar application to speed up recovery. I don't like foliar feeding under full lights as it causes the nutrients to dry up on the leaf surface and it also causes a lensing effect that can burn your plants growing tips.

I am keeping a friends seedlings on "ice" in the corner. They were slow to develop because they weren't put into the tub until about a week ago.

They are currently rooting like mad though, they love the big tub.

Here is the other net pot which I am thinking of keeping as a mother. Its system is able to be run independently, its a full week behind the others and its growing like mad.

This is by far the best plant growing at the moment. It doesn't look too good but its because I've bent all of the main fan leaves down underneath the lower branches which should retard the main growth and allow the lower branches to develop larger colas.

I don't inderstand what is going on with this guy. He looks different to all of the others. It looks far too symmetrical to be a mutant.


Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Here is a little clone army I cut last night. I have them sitting in the dark at the moment, but I will re-furb the mother box and get the little gals vegging again. The water is a bit cloudy from the cloning wax run off. While it is messy, its a great trade off if you couldn't be bothered babying clones in a propagator. They look a little droopy but that is because some were taken from bent lower branches. Some of them are almost 15 cm long. I wonder what the end result of such large clones will be...

I have started growing a broad leafed commercial plant. I am seeing if they will be a worthwhile companion plant. There seems to be some competition with the tomatos and the "no name" I have in the same crate

My DWC bucket is going nuts. I took a clone off it and did some pinching on it to get some more tips growing.



Well-Known Member
My Oh My things are centainly cranking along since the small little seedlings we saw a few weeks ago.
Good Work Man. We have very similiar DWC Buckets. I got mine from Bunnings. They were storm drains, but they were wicked strong, thick black containers that were ideal for being stacked one inside the other & were designed to be driled into, so no cracking, spltting, or profuse swearing would occur when i was drilling to run my hoses :-)

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
My Oh My things are centainly cranking along since the small little seedlings we saw a few weeks ago.
Good Work Man. We have very similiar DWC Buckets. I got mine from Bunnings. They were storm drains, but they were wicked strong, thick black containers that were ideal for being stacked one inside the other & were designed to be driled into, so no cracking, spltting, or profuse swearing would occur when i was drilling to run my hoses :-)
My first two grows were in 10L $2 buckets that I'd made ±19mm holes using a lighter and a screwdriver (talk about swearing). I had salvaged fittings from a friends old store bought 2 bucket DWC setup. In my infinite knowledge I deemed the setup useless as it would drown the plants.

My bucket in bucket, hydroponic, potting mix, Miracle Grow & Centrum setup was far superior. The only thing I had going for me was the 400w HPS with a 2+ year old bulb that I made good use of for another full year.

2 years later and I'm still a noob that doesn't even have a carbon filter let alone a grow tent. I am living proof that you can grow pounds in wardrobes with little or no knowledge or experience (and Centrum).


Well-Known Member
My first two grows were in 10L $2 buckets that I'd made ±19mm holes using a lighter and a screwdriver (talk about swearing). I had salvaged fittings from a friends old store bought 2 bucket DWC setup. In my infinite knowledge I deemed the setup useless as it would drown the plants.

My bucket in bucket, hydroponic, potting mix, Miracle Grow & Centrum setup was far superior. The only thing I had going for me was the 400w HPS with a 2+ year old bulb that I made good use of for another full year.

2 years later and I'm still a noob that doesn't even have a carbon filter let alone a grow tent. I am living proof that you can grow pounds in wardrobes with little or no knowledge or experience (and Centrum).
Lol, Centrum? Do u give ur plants a once daily vitamin tablet??
My 1st indoor grow was a 1000W MH that a friend gave me in exchange for breaking a phone, lol. HERMIES :evil:

Haha, i still dont have a Carbon Filter either, but my neighbours aint saying sh*t - trust me on that..

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Lol, Centrum? Do u give ur plants a once daily vitamin tablet??
My 1st indoor grow was a 1000W MH that a friend gave me in exchange for breaking a phone, lol. HERMIES :evil:

Haha, i still dont have a Carbon Filter either, but my neighbours aint saying sh*t - trust me on that..
I switched from cheap ferts and medicine cabinet concoctions to DM and Canna™ about 2½ years ago. I would only recommend DM to cheapskates. Even Canna™ now is looking second rate to House & Garden.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
More pics and stuff


Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
looking good dude!!! Nice and bushy....have you got two small clones in that tub?
I like to grow tomatoes and other plants along with the usual. If I'm home brewing/growing I may as well throw in a few vegetables too. "Daucus carota sativus" doesn't grow for shit in hydroton and "Lactuca sativa" tastes feral if you eat it without flushing for at least a week. Once I clone the two runts in the DWC tub to death I'm thinking of growing an avocado and a capsicum in the nets to replace them.




Active Member
nice setup....n those plants r lukin green :D tc of them so dt it fulfils ur requiremnt :P....nice to no dt ur growing vegetables too....i sewed carrots d other day bkos most vegs r out of season.... :P anywz man happy growin...

grow wit power !

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
EDIT: I found 6 males this morning. I am now down to 4 plants. I've now got a AB indica dom, 2 x AB sativa dom and one of my own strain which I never bothered to name (my strain is much larger). I used a feminizing seed soak (accent solutions) on all but my own strain. The only thing I can think of that would have caused so many males is the 20-30% humidity for those two weeks during veg. Now I have a tray full of babies that I'm going to have to kill.

I've put the remaining four girls back into veg. I will veg them out more to take more clones and so they fill in the gaps made by their brothers. It might be time to get that screen going.



Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member

This is my current setup minus the males. I will flick the switch again next week and hope for the best.

This big male has been left in the dark without water since his discovery. I'll throw him out bush and harvest him in week or so.

This is my own strain which is kicking ass over the AB. I still haven't thought of a name for it.

This is the largest in size of the AB but the two smaller plants are bushier and have more nodes.

A shot of one of the smaller AB's. I'm trying a tobacco plant in an orchid net too.

I've been doing my fair share of this shit lately.

Some root porn for the fans.



Well-Known Member
Nice update Rusty. Must have taken you a long time to upload all those photos.
I like the look of Smaller Bushier AB.. But they all look good.
Hows the Blue Cheese Smoke?

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Nice update Rusty. Must have taken you a long time to upload all those photos.
I like the look of Smaller Bushier AB.. But they all look good.
Hows the Blue Cheese Smoke?
I pressed upload and went out to the garage for an hour. I haven't updated since the holocaust six days ago, so I thought I'd make it a good one.
The largest AB looks almost male. Last night I cloned, pinched, then hit them with hormones. The two smaller AB's are pretty tight already but the larger two need to be kept under control.
I'll get some pics of the inner workings of the two stocky plants to give you an idea.

The cheese is mad shit dude, I hope I get to flower it eventually.