are my plants dying or something ? with PICS! pls help :(


Active Member
Air circulation and nuts are what they need!You may not blow directly to the plants(which would be good,cause the stem gets stronger!) but at least give them some fresh air!Air is important for the plants cause they need co2 during day to make photosynthesis!So if you cant have air circulation,try to get or make a co2 generator!

Mike Robes

isn't that burn my plants? i read somewhere, one time fertilized enough..

That is extremely unlikely. It would take a very high concentration of nutrients to instantly break the plant's salinity tolerance.

That's why you feed then water... wax on, wax off.


thank you again.

and one last; that little usb fan will do my work? (work with batteries)

sorry, and how many weeks i give them 24 hr lights?


Active Member
bezobezo, you can give them 24 hour lights as long as you want.

i suggest you go read some threads to get your answers.

also it looks like your ph is wrong due to the leaves "twisting"

hope you understand.

Brick Top

New Member
One time fertilizer, decent amount... then plain water... then fertilize... then water... then fert'... then water...

Burning is clearly seen in the pictures that were posted, that was not due to pH levels being off. Seeds have roughly 3 to 5 weeks of nutrients stored in them to live off of when they first germinate. That supplies seedlings with enough nutrients until a large enough root-mass can form to then supply the plant's needs. Any fertilization prior to the stored nutrients are used or mostly used will burn seedlings. When fertilizer is first used it should be a weak mixture so seedlings are not burned.

wax on, wax off.... and wax on again etc etc.
Shampoo, rinse, repeat ... etc., etc. etc. Wait ........ what?


Burning is clearly seen in the pictures that were posted, that was not due to pH levels being off. Seeds have roughly 3 to 5 weeks of nutrients stored in them to live off of when they first germinate. That supplies seedlings with enough nutrients until a large enough root-mass can form to then supply the plant's needs. Any fertilization prior to the stored nutrients are used or mostly used will burn seedlings. When fertilizer is first used it should be a weak mixture so seedlings are not burned.

Shampoo, rinse, repeat ... etc., etc. etc. Wait ........ what?
so ? won't i use fertilizer

Mike Robes

Burning is clearly seen in the pictures that were posted, that was not due to pH levels being off. Seeds have roughly 3 to 5 weeks of nutrients stored in them to live off of when they first germinate. That supplies seedlings with enough nutrients until a large enough root-mass can form to then supply the plant's needs. Any fertilization prior to the stored nutrients are used or mostly used will burn seedlings. When fertilizer is first used it should be a weak mixture so seedlings are not burned.
I see the resident know-nothing has stopped by for a chat. So seeds have approximately 3-5 weeks worth of nutrients stored in them to live off do they? What planet are you from? If i were to place a seed into a hydroponic reservoir and only give it plain water for 5 weeks it would die.

Cannabis has a medium-high salinity tolerance. You're really stepping into areas you know nothing about so should keep quiet to save confusing this poor fellow.

Shampoo, rinse, repeat ... etc., etc. etc. Wait ........ what?
Quite. I see you fail to understand the reasoning for this in this situation. The guy is using not very suitable nutrients, but they are all he has, he also has no way to check the EC. So he should give a good feed (as you don't know what you're talking about in this area, i assure you of that) and then offset any salt build ups by utilising intermittent plain water feeds. Plants will only take what they need, like a buffet.