How long till ready????(day 49 flowering) Strain = TOP44 indica (pics)


Active Member
Hows it going? First time grower here and im pretty pleased with the progress on this grow , the strain i am growing is called TOP 44 , it is called this due to the fact that 44 days ( around 6 weeks ) flowering is how long it usally takes to finish.Everythings going along great lots of buds and crazy amount of crystals. My question is its the 7th week one week longer than the estimated time , no red hairs coming in yet but looking good , how much longer do you guys think till harvest , im saying 1-2 weeks but you guys would know alot better than i would . Also i cut all nutes and am just applying pure water with a 6.0 PH level .

:joint:Any advice or suggestions would be great:joint:


The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
what type of light are you using? can you get a good look at the trichomes... they should be cloudy white. is this bag seed, it might be a different pheno than what you actually smoked and might have a longer flower time...


Well-Known Member
looks like they are coming along nicely but it also looks like they have at least 4-6 weeks left to flower - but i'm no expert.


Active Member
id just wait until the trichs are cloudy or milky like with stalk and bulb at the end
get a 30x little microscope to check this
you can find the perfect ones at a teacher supply store thats where i got mine.
it was only ten bucks...actually teacher supply places have lots of stuff you can use in your garden for cheaper than you will find them most places


Active Member
im using a 400 wat hps lamp , and its not bad seed , its indica the strain is called TOP 44. I have also heard its good to wait till 80 percent red hait coverage nd the resin glands look full on the verge of busting .


Well-Known Member
Yea stonebag has the right idea. Trichromes go from clear to milky/cloudy to amber (you have to look under a 30x microscope as stonebag said). I think when 50% are amber is generally considered the peak THC level.

The plants look nice. Congratulations. Another two weeks, it seems, and you have your first successful grow!

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
i didnt say BAD seed, i said BAG seed, was it aquired from a bag of pot you smoked... you dont want to wait for the trichomes to turn 50% amber... Clear trichomes are immature and their THC content has not yet peaked. Cloudy trichomes are mature and THC content is at it's peak. Amber trichomes are senescent and THC content is declining as THC gets converted to CBN. Thus for maximum THC content, you want to hold off harvesting as long as more trichomes are transitioning from clear to cloudy than are changing from cloudy to amber. Once more trichomes are starting to change from cloudy to amber than are changing from clear to cloudy, we are past the point of diminishing returns, and overall THC content is reducing.


Well-Known Member
i didnt say BAD seed, i said BAG seed, was it aquired from a bag of pot you smoked... you dont want to wait for the trichomes to turn 50% amber... Clear trichomes are immature and their THC content has not yet peaked. Cloudy trichomes are mature and THC content is at it's peak. Amber trichomes are senescent and THC content is declining as THC gets converted to CBN. Thus for maximum THC content, you want to hold off harvesting as long as more trichomes are transitioning from clear to cloudy than are changing from cloudy to amber. Once more trichomes are starting to change from cloudy to amber than are changing from clear to cloudy, we are past the point of diminishing returns, and overall THC content is reducing.
that is my understanding also.


Active Member
Thanks alot man sorry about that i meant to spell bag seed , not bad . anyways they are from holland and it is a strain of indica called top 44 , is there any other way to tell when it ready to harvest other than using a microscope????


Well-Known Member
When its ready you know, if your not sure, then its not ready.

From those pics though I would say that you are have minimum of 4 weeks left and that is an absolute minimum.

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
you can also tell by pistil color, once about 75% of the pistils are dried up is ABOUT time to pick, the trichomes are the only way to SEE the ripeness...


Well-Known Member
hmmmmm...this is of course of direct interest to me as my Top44 is at 31 days flower today (50 days from sprout) and have a 44d target of Jan 12....but I think mine will also go longer......yours are looking great too.....though it does seem like you have a little while left....


Active Member
when your pistas are 75% red and the white growth has stopped youre ready a few more weeks by the look of it. Feed them girls!


Well-Known Member
Hold off they need several more weeks. Your deffenatly see the differance when its time to harvest.


Well-Known Member
i didnt say BAD seed, i said BAG seed, was it aquired from a bag of pot you smoked... you dont want to wait for the trichomes to turn 50% amber... Clear trichomes are immature and their THC content has not yet peaked. Cloudy trichomes are mature and THC content is at it's peak. Amber trichomes are senescent and THC content is declining as THC gets converted to CBN. Thus for maximum THC content, you want to hold off harvesting as long as more trichomes are transitioning from clear to cloudy than are changing from cloudy to amber. Once more trichomes are starting to change from cloudy to amber than are changing from clear to cloudy, we are past the point of diminishing returns, and overall THC content is reducing.
Im not saying what you said is wrong at all. But though it may be said that thc is converted to cbn when amber bla bla this may be true but even so many people prefer the high from 50/50 amber and 100% amber trichs. It is said CBN and other so called "inactive cannabinoids or non-psychoavtive cannabinoids" plays role in the type of HIGH you get. Just my 2 cents. I way prefer the high from 50/50 or 100% amber than a Cloudy trich harvest. I guess its all personal preference.