Growin' chillies by the scotland

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Im pretty hyped about things EP , cant believe my GF let me buy lights :) I have a plant that came from a primo seed upstairs under cfl's and its maybe 3 inches tall and 3 or 4 weeks old ...unreal i know.
Its my first customer for the lights.The others can do their thing outdoors and ill get those seeds you linked me to for the duration of the year , its going to be pretty cool never having the hassle anymore of contacting what used to be a regular guy.


Active Member
woah, 3 pages since i went to bed lol :) think im gonna go with the 2 X 125 watt CFLS guys , and do a small Scrog :)


Active Member
Yesterday, after coming home from the mall, I pulled down my street in front of my house only to see that the street to my right was blocked off by a cop car. There were 3 helicopters in the sky. My heart was going ape shit. I was like "ohhhh I'm sooooo fuckin' done......". Turns out one of my neighbors was keep kept hostage by her husband. I was so glad. I don't know if the broad next door was okay ha but I'm glad I was.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Holy smokes OhGr , i would have caramaced my drawers too , i remember once in the windy city a friend and i were in his car downtown and were smoking it up good style.Flashing lights behind us put a stop to that and we both were sure the cop wanted us to pull over.I dont know if you have ever eaten a half ounce of dry pot before but it is like eating dry wheatabix..doesnt go down easy.
It took us all of 1 minute to scoff that bag of grass between us only to watch as the cruiser with the flashing lights overtook us and carried on up the road..damn lol


Active Member
With my first plant the night I planned on harvesting my buddy was coming to help I went to see if he was here opened the front door and there were two cops walking in front of my house both looked at me i just shut the door. Looked out the window in a dark room two cars posted on either side of my house. I was trippin And my buddy calls and is like have you looked outside. Turns out I have heroin dealers two houses down, ha. I almost flushed it.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
That peppermint seed germed and is in some soil. If its a girl she'll be called candy if its a boy candy cane:)
Good luck with it PN , ill go get a new pic of my efforts down the tomato patch today.Tracking on my lights tell me they are within 30 miles so maybe today , tomorrow at the latest.Ill take my time setting up the lights and solicit help from EP and OhGr in that matter , its the nutes that interest me.Ill be giving some of that to my garden right off the bat.


Active Member
Ha, That blows FMK. I've eaten dry pot before but only like a bowls worth.

PN, Ha, I don't know if I could have taken that pressure.


Active Member
Nice that line up will prolly get you somewere, I have Tiger bloom to use later but for now I'll let the manure and egg shells do their thing.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
haha well when that light comes ill be here to for any questions you have.
Thanks EP , you've been great with us on this thread , its appreciated all round.UPS deliver up until 6pm or later so im hopeful.Its in the city last time i checked at lunchtime.

Heres a couple of pics , those are the big boy beef tomatos (heirloom) and theres my wee plant neIMG_4910.jpgxt to its buddies the tomatos , i trimmed back the mater plant after this pic so the mj plant is getting full sunlight.


Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Thats a cool video man , ill check out the others later , a mixed bag of a day , aint got no weed and my D man not answering..probably in the carribean or something , i got a call from my friends in SC , they are coming to visit in 2 weeks and we'll all go up to NYC for a blast.All this..and nothing , so in my meloncholy state of mind ill take my ipod and fire up the john deere for a cruise down the real fields.Ill get some pics.


Whats on your mp3 player ?