street value of kief?


Active Member
beware bro ppl put dank in coffee grinder n if u grind it for 2sec n empty bud n scrap sides u get keift but if u grid it for like a min if turns i powder wit a green tint,but then again u think of it if ur gettin a g for 30 american its bascilly 2 gs grinded into one so i dnt think its worth it i only use it to sprinkle on bowl

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i have never been offered keif for sale. i didn't even know people did that. i wouldn't even buy it unless i already smoked it because in my opinion there are 2 types of keif: the kind that burns like regular weed and the kind that melts into a bubbling glob. if it doesn't melt it's really not much more than weed powder and in my opinion sucks. i would have no way of knowing in advance because it all looks different depending on the weed it came from. i have only smoked keif from my keif catching grinder, but there are still different grades if you ask me, and i've had some not-so-impressive weed make some killer keif and vice versa. it's just too uncertain for me to even price.


Well-Known Member
ive nevr seen it for sale but ide guess if it came from banging shit itd run you about the same as some hash- good bubble by me goes for 30-40$ a gram, so somehwere in that ballpark


Well-Known Member
Yeah where is the violation? It is a legitimate question that doesn't say anything about buying or selling, he only asked the going price? What the shit is wrong with you dude, don't make something into something it's not.
In the Sf bay area the local clubs sell kief for 20.00 gram and real bubble starts at 30 but the good full melt can be as high as 60.00.