OK, I made a combination panel of my own using LEDs and floros I already owned, and as I am closing in on harvest of my first crop, I can give you the low down of my experiences.
First of all, LEDs are great for veg stage, as nodes are very close together, and LEDs have great penetration so lower part of plants just as healthy as top, my flowering plants have buds growing at every single intersection from top to bottom. My ghetto panel is has a 120W LED panel in the center, with a 14W all red bloom panel on top and bottom, and on both sides I have double tubed floro fixtures one tube full spectrum, and one tube cool white. Foot print of these lights is rather small, but these lights give off a lot of light humans can't see, so foot print is a lot bigger than it looks. I have had great success with clones which were sat just on the edge of visible foot print. My buds are NOT light and airy, and with probably six weeks to go, I think they will be just fine. LEDs increased my electric bill by about $20 per month, and the only temperature issues I have had to deal with is putting a space heater in grow room during cold months. Here are some pictures for your consideration
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