can i move small seedling sprouts to a 250W mh?


Well-Known Member
hi guys/gals
i have 3 seedling sprouts that just came up this morning...they still have the seed cap and havent actually started any green leaves yet. I currently have everything under 2 26w cool natural light cfls producing around 3200 lumens. Do you guys think i should move everything into my cabinet under a 250w MH lamp now or wait and keep them under the cfls?

Also, when should i start to worry about the seed cap still being on the sprout? Should i remove it right away, or wait and see if it happens on its own. should i remove the cap at a certain height? Right now one is around an inch up from the soil, and the other two are 1/4 inch up. I also have some others still waiting to sprout, and expect them to in a day or two...another reason why i think i might need to move them under the MH...but you tell me?




Well-Known Member
i keep under flos for the first 3/5 weeks, putting under hps before that just causes problems, they will be fine under flos for the first few weeks. i put mine under 250 hps after 3 to 5 weeks. when there big enuf.
them plants in my avitar are under 2 shop flos and are 8 days from the packet, i have a hps on 24/0 but i think small plants do best under flos.


Well-Known Member
the seed cap will fall off, the cotyledons are the first sets of leaves (not true leaves) to sprout off, usually the seed cap is latched onto one cotyledon and then falls off. dont mess with it or remove anything, just let it do its natural thing.

you can go ahead and move them all under the 250watt, they will love it! or you could wait a few days til they get bigger, depending on a few small factors such as how hot it gets under that 250 in your closet (prolly not too hot, but if you close the door then..). just make sure they dont get burned or get too hot, give them good ventilation and move them under the 250watt.

he said mh, why do you guys think hes talkin bout hps? plus, i dont see how hps could *ever* cause problems heh - even though mh is best for veg, hps wont cause any issues at all..unless youre talking about the potential for being too hot.

usually ppl wait a week or so to put them under a more powerful light, my 20 clones are under fluorescents too, but theres nothin wrong with moving them now. my buddy veg's his sprouts / clones under a 400watt and they shoot up fast as fuck. flo's are good, but hid's are better as long as you can control the heat.


Well-Known Member
thks for the words chronicle!

I am probably going to wait until i at least see green...then i will move them to the cab. i have the mh lamp on now in the cab, so i can monitor the temp. the cab is in my garage which is really cold right now. my lamp reflecor is cooled by an exhaust fan but i probably wont need to turn the fan on yet. the temp will hopefully stay consistent with the cold outside the cab and the heat from the lamp inside. so far its stayed at 78f.

thks again!



Active Member
hi guys/gals
i have 3 seedling sprouts that just came up this morning...they still have the seed cap and havent actually started any green leaves yet. I currently have everything under 2 26w cool natural light cfls producing around 3200 lumens. Do you guys think i should move everything into my cabinet under a 250w MH lamp now or wait and keep them under the cfls?

Also, when should i start to worry about the seed cap still being on the sprout? Should i remove it right away, or wait and see if it happens on its own. should i remove the cap at a certain height? Right now one is around an inch up from the soil, and the other two are 1/4 inch up. I also have some others still waiting to sprout, and expect them to in a day or two...another reason why i think i might need to move them under the MH...but you tell me?


hey man just a qeustion wat spectrum is the metal halide.;-)


Active Member
i think it has a blue spectrum which imitates the long summers light the sun gives out than hps has more of a red which imitates the fall and winter sunlight for flowering.