help one of my plants is slumpped over

bud man jay

Well-Known Member
I went into my gro room today for a daily check up and this is what i seen (pics below) I got five pants in a dwc my temps were up kinda high 84 degrees. Im into my second week of flowering and I just changed my res yesterday. Any help please?



Sector 5 Moderator
WTF??? I've never seen that before. Hopefully somebody will recognize it and help you out.


Sector 5 Moderator
He's growing in DWC, not soil. If it was a lack of water, all the leaves would be slumped over.

bud man jay

Well-Known Member
can somebody please help me. I did add some Jacks Classi to my res to speed up my bloom could this be it?


Well-Known Member
well its deff a problem with whats in your res , the only safe thing u can do now its to put fresh water in your res no nutes, keep temps fine and folair feed for a week and see if it turns around


Well-Known Member
what is the EC of your res'?

an extremely high salt content will reverse the osmotic pressure, and rather than water being forced into the plant, water will instead be released by the plant.

or, it could be a pathogen too...

bud man jay

Well-Known Member
I chaecked the ph its at 6. i think my temps aretoo high. But I cant cool my room caus eit has no windows.

bud man jay

Well-Known Member
2 weeks later? seems like they must not be that important to him then.......
No your wrong if you dont have anything positive to say f*** off. I was trying to fidure out my problem. no sense of posting if I dont have anything to say. I had to take in the advice i got and try to correct my problem